Wednesday, June 11, 2008

neighborhood important meeting

Dear Neighbors,
I have two notes for you.
First, please read the attached letter regarding a very important meeting about our local roadways. Penn Dot has scheduled an information meeting on June 23rd for our neighborhood and Gwynedd View neighbors to hear about the planned reconstruction of Swedesford Rd. and Gwynedd View Dr. This letter indicates changes that could seriously affect the traffic on our streets. Please put the date on your calendar and plan to attend! Let's be pro-active in protecting our neighborhood.

You are invited to stop by Karen Freeman's house where she will be hosting a Silpada jewelry party. Kathi Mignone, another neighbor, will be selling the jewelry. The party is Thursday night at 7:00 pm - open house style. Wine and snacks will be served. Come visit with your neighbors and enjoy shopping! 1322 Tanglewood - 215-699-8869

Thank you,
Carol Pfister

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