Wednesday, January 16, 2013

neighborhood news

Dear neighbors,
Kate Harper has written a response and update about the 202 situation. Please read it below. I have also copied a note from Linda Callegari encouraging you all to be in touch with your opinions on the landscaping. Gwen Douse has included her response to Kate's letter also. Thank you to these neighbors for pursuing our interests! Please join in as you can.

Carol Pfister

From Linda C:
The email comes from PA Rep. Kate Harper and generally addresses the many concerns that have been raised by our neighborhood and others on a variety of issues. Several of us who have been in touch with Kate and the Township on the landscaping and sound barrier issues made it clear that we would forward any correspondence from them to our neighbors. I would still encourage any neighbors who haven't expressed concerns about any issues relative to 202 to please send those comments and suggestions to both Kate's email and Larry Comunale at the Township. I believe Gwen Douse has provided those email addresses in a previous email.

Much thanks...Linda Callegari, Claudia Way

Dear Neighbors,
Below is Kate's letter from Penn DOT concerning the landscaping issue along 202. I have also included my response to that letter below their letter. I think as neighbors, residents of Lower Gwynedd, property owners, and taxpayers, it would be beneficial to stay on top of this situation.
Best wishes,
Gwen Douse
Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2013 1:59 PM
Subject: Route 202

Dear Gwen and Linda and Gwynedd Knoll neighbors,

I hope that you had a wonderful holiday season.  I want you to know that we continue to communicate with Larry Comunale and PA DOT on the pending issues that have been raised at the meeting and through email. We have not forgotten your concerns, but  I am sure you can agree that since it  is winter, new plantings and gauging the success of existing plantings is still to be seen. 

We recently received the following from PA DOT that I think will help communicate where PA DOT is with regard to 202.

Dear U.S. 202 Parkway Task Force Member,

Now that the U.S. 202 Parkway is open to traffic, not surprisingly, we are receiving questions, comments, compliments, and complaints about various aspects of the new road.  The topics include signing, traffic signals, noise, landscaping, bicycle lanes, etc.  The Department will provide timely and consistent responses to our customers as it relates to their questions or concerns.  As with any new roadway, there is period of adjustment for motorists and residents as drivers seek to find their preferred route.

We appreciate your patience as we adjust to the changing traffic patterns along the Parkway and its surrounding areas.  We are extremely pleased to have the new Route 202 open to enhance traffic flow in Bucks and Montgomery counties.  As always, you can contact me, members of my staff at District 6 who worked on the Parkway (Brian Early, Madeleine Fausto) or staff at Michael Baker in Horsham (Eric Frary) if you need information or assistance in handling questions about the new roadway.


Les Toaso

Les is PENNDOT District 6 administrator. Also, if you have not used the new road, I suggest you try it out.  We are getting excellent feedback that traffic is moving much better through our generally congested area. I hope you find that as well.

Thanks for writing.



Gwen's response:

Thank you for the update Kate. We do continue to be concerned about this situation. Penn DOT had promised to take care of some landscaping last fall and nothing occurred. The stretch along 202 looks barren in a township that once prided itself on its green, open space. As a resident of Lower Gwynedd for over 30 years it breaks my heart to see what has happened to this area. We do appreciate that you and Larry keep us updated as to the progress and also take any steps discussed at last fall's meeting including contacting Rhoads and considering using trees from the tree bank. We will send this notice along to neighbors. Thanks again for your help and communication on this matter.
Best wishes,




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Sunday, January 13, 2013

neighborhood news

Dear neighbors,
Please read Frank's note below and let us know if you experience the same problem or if you know if there is a plan to correct the situation already. Please copy me and Frank  at in your response.
Thank you!

Carol Pfister

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Frank Malfi <>
Date: Thu, Jan 10, 2013 at 11:10 AM
Subject: Re: neighborhood news
To: Gwynedd Knoll Garden Club <>

Hi Carol -
Another issue I'd like to address is one regarding the traffic light at Hancock and Rt. 202.  Before the construction started there was a turn signal for the traffic turning onto Hancock coming from the southbound turn lane of Rt 202.  However, there is no longer a turn signal for that lane and I've sat at that light on a number of occasions watching the opposing northbound turn lane leverage their turn signal and then waited a very long time to turn into the neighborhood entrance.  It's much harder now with 2 lanes of traffic to wait for.  During peak travel times I often have to wait until the entire cycle is over and traffic has stopped, and that generally means 1 or maybe 2 cars at most have the opportunity to turn before the next cycle starts, which poses a safety hazard.
Before I e-mail Kate or Larry I was wondering if anyone had any insight on this.  Was that in the plan to be changed and I overlooked it or was it an oversight by the township? 
Much appreciated,
Frank Malfi
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, January 09, 2013 10:56 PM
Subject: neighborhood news

Dear neighbors,
Happy new year to you! Hope you have a healthy and happy 2013.  Please see the note below from Gwen suggesting that we write to the township and state to request the promised help with the landscaping on 202. Thank you for your help!

Also, I've received a request for snowplowing recommendations - please see the note below from Sue Weber with her contact information.

Thank you,

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

neighborhood news

Dear neighbors,
Happy new year to you! Hope you have a healthy and happy 2013.  Please see the note below from Gwen suggesting that we write to the township and state to request the promised help with the landscaping on 202. Thank you for your help!

Also, I've received a request for snowplowing recommendations - please see the note below from Sue Weber with her contact information.

Thank you,

Hi Carol,
As a follow-up to our fall 202 meeting regarding landscaping, please send the message below to our neighbors.
Thanks so much,
Dear neighbors,
There has been much concern expressed by many of us in the lack of progress with landscaping along 202 adjacent to Gwynedd Knoll. Below is the letter I sent to Kate Harper and Larry Comunale. It would be greatly beneficial if others wish to help in this effort. Their email addresses are below.
Thank you,
Gwen Douse

Kate Harper 

Larry Comunale

Dear Kate and Larry,
I hope all is well. As a follow-up to the fall meeting,
many neighbors are asking about the status of the landscaping along 202, adjacent to our neighborhood. We also wanted to check on the status of Larry's offer to talk with Rhoad's Garden Center and (hopefully) using trees from the township's tree bank to fill in with green along the barren wall next to Gwynedd Knoll. 

We also look forward to your help in restoring what once was a lovely entrance at 202 and Hancock with the addition of landscaping. In addition, there was talk of possibly obtaining a Gwynedd Knoll name sign for that entrance and we wanted to ask the status of that as well.  

We respectfully request that the township does not sign off on this segment of the bypass until improvements are made to the landscaping.  We look forward to your support and finding creative solutions to help us this era of budget constraints. 

Best wishes in this holiday season.
Gwen Douse

From Sue Weber:
Would you mind posting a request for a reliable snow plow reference to the neighborhood? I have been searching for days with little luck as our lawn care company does not plow. Anyone willing to share a reference can email me at call at 215-699-4205. Thanks for your help with this, and Happy New Year!