Tuesday, January 24, 2012

neighborhood news

Dear neighbors,
I hope you are all enjoying a good start to the new year! I have copied below a note from Julia Wagner, a neighbor on Tanglewood. For those of you who are new to the neighborhood, Julia and her family have suffered from Lyme's disease in the past years and she has really gotten involved in the effort to fight for recognition/diagnosis and spread information about the disease. Please consider taking the survey below - whether you have had Lyme disease or not. Note there is a deadline of Feb 29th. I'm sure Julia would welcome questions or comments at her email address if you have some!

Thank you,
Carol Pfister

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <JuliaFWagner@aol.com>
Date: Mon, Jan 23, 2012 at 3:46 PM
Subject: Fwd: Deadline is 2/29/12 - Fwd: IMPORTANT - PA State-Wide Survey Link - by PL...
To: gwyneddknoll@gmail.com

Hello Carol -- I hope you are well.  Can you please provide this information regarding a state-wide survey to our neighbors.  This is an effort being lead by Chester County Department of Health with the PA Farm Bureau and Lyme Disease Advocacy Group -- it is a STATE-WIDE survey.
Thanks! - Julia Wagner, 1417 Tanglewood Drive, North Wales, PA 19454

From: JuliaFWagner@aol.com
BCC: Sent: 1/23/2012 3:26:51 P.M. Eastern Standard Time
Subj: IMPORTANT - PA State-Wide Survey Link - by PLDAC
Please scroll below my signature for the survey link. 
PLDAC is spearheading this important state-wide survey that will be used to educate PA representatives and policy makers regarding the need for SB210 and HB272. 
  1. complete this survey ASAP (Deadline is 2/29/12)
  2. pass this survey on broadly -- it is NOT meant just for current Lyme patients... it is meant for the general public as well
  3. provide any feedback re: survey directly to Casmir Martin,Chester County Health Dept (email below)
Thank you - Julia Wagner, MBA, MontCoLyme and LymeActionPA

 This survey is being conducted by the Pennsylvania Lyme disease Awareness Committee (PLDAC).  The PDLAC is a collaboration of the Chester/Delaware Farm Bureau, the Lyme Disease Association of Southeastern PA, Inc. and the Chester County health Department.  The committee is dedicated to educating residents on the risks, prevention, symptoms, and treatment options of Lyme disease and promoting federal and state legislative initiatives that provide funds for research and treatment of Lyme disease and protection of physicians.
Results from the survey will be used to educate policymakers about the true impact of Lyme disease in the daily life of Pennsylvania residents and help further educate residents about the disease.
This survey is open to the general public and should take 5-10 minutes.  Your participation in this survey will be fully anonymous and you have the right to leave questions unanswered. Please forward to any and all groups.
Please contact Casmir Martin at cmartin@chesco.org or Andrea LeFever at alefever@chesco.org for any questions or comments.
Julia F. Wagner
President of MontCoLyme (Montgomery County (PA) Lyme Information and Support Group)MontCoLyme@aol.com
MontCoLyme - 211 Main Street, North Wales, PA  19454
888-661-LYME (888-661-5963) (for general calls to MontCoLyme, x102 for Julia Wagner)

Medical Advice Disclaimer:
  The information included here and through this group is for educational purposes only. It is not intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice. The reader should always consult his or her healthcare provider to determine the appropriateness of the information for their own situation or if they have any questions regarding a medical condition or treatment plan. This group does not provide professional medical advice. 

Chair, LymeAction PA, a state-wide coalition, www.lymeactionpa.com, lymeactionpa@gmail.com