Saturday, September 21, 2013

neighborhood news

Please see the note below as a reminder that Eva is still collecting food for Philabundance and school supplies. The deadline is this Monday, September 23 so you still have a chance to drop off some things this weekend.
Thank you,

Carol Pfister

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Gwynedd Knoll Garden Club <>
Date: Wed, Sep 11, 2013 at 9:36 PM
Subject: neighborhood news
To: Carol Pfister <>

Dear neighbors,
Hard to believe it is fall already but the school buses are rolling through so I guess it really is! I hope everyone enjoyed a restful summer with a break from your normal activities.

I have two notes below from my neighbor, Eva. She is collecting donations of food for Philabundance in Philly and also school supplies for a classroom in Philly. Please consider donating...she has made it very easy for you - just drop things off at her house. Many thanks to Eva for giving us the opportunity to help!

Carol Pfister

Dear Friends,
Last year, many of you contributed to the Philabundance food bank in Philadelphia which supplies many food resource centers in the city and beyond, even the Ambler Food Cupboard.  Your generosity was so great that we filled an SUV from top to bottom and the Philabundance workers were very impressed that a couple of neighborhoods were able to collect such a large amount.  September is hunger awareness month and we are once again asking you to extend your hand to those less able to feed themselves and their families.  Philabundance accepts nonperishable food items (they also distribute fresh food but that generally comes from wholesalers and farms).  Specifically, some suggested items are canned tuna, macaroni and cheese, canned pasta, canned beef stew, canned chili, creamy peanut butter, jelly, canned green beans, canned corn, breakfast cereal and hot cereal.
We will deliver the food items to Philabundance.  Please consider dropping off a few needed grocery goods at Eva O'Brien's back porch, 1424 Cambridge Drive or Debbie Beardsley's front door, 1301 E. Meetinghouse Road anytime starting now until September 16th.  If you have any questions, feel free to call Debbie at 215-542-2398.
Thank you,
Debbie Beardsley &  Eva O'Brien

I have been working at Wissahickon Middle School for the past nine years.  This year I am working with a wonderful teacher in 6th grade. A very good friend of hers teaches 2nd grade in Philadelphia.  You may have been seeing in the news that they are working with a very limited budget.  This teacher has been purchasing school supplies for the students and her classroom herself.   We are both collecting supplies that she needs.  

I am not asking anyone to go out and buy items but if you have any school supplies that your children are not using (I know I have four boys and the school supply surplus in my storage area is perfect for her) If you have any items you would like to donate to this cause, please leave them on my back porch. Just pull in the driveway and I have a screened in porch.

If you have any questions, or need me to pick up anything, please call me at 215 661-8764.

My address is 1424 Cambridge Drive

                           North Wales PA 19454

 Thank you,  Eva O'Brien

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

neighborhood news

Hello again neighbors!
This is my third email to you all tonight...sorry to send so many but I think it helps to keep the subjects separated and more clearly stated. I'm catching up from some time off in August. (:

Please see below for an encouraging update on the entryways situation. Sounds like Penn Dot might return to do planting after all. Gwen has been diligently following up with Penn Dot and Kate Harper's office.

Please also read two requests for information  on contractors. Please respond directly to Marylou and if you would like to share some recommendations.
Thank you,
Carol Pfister

I'm not sure, but I thought I recalled someone in the neighborhood asking about someone who does pointing on the brickwork outside?? Our paths from the house to the street and driveway are badly in need of pointing and I'd love to get a name if there is one out there who had a good recommendation.  If you know of one, or recall who asked, I'd appreciate the name!  Mary Lou Herr

Hi Carol -
I am looking for a recommendation for a reliable roofing contractor.  Anyone in the neighborhood have a recommendation?
We are not looking to replace our roof,  but we do have a couple of areas that need to be fixed plus we would like to have attic fans installed.
Very much appreciated,
Frank Malfi

-From Gwen:----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Dear Neighbors,
Please see my email below and Kate's response concerning the replanting of replacement shrubs at 202 and Hancock. PENN DOT offers a more positive message, which makes me feel more optimistic. Please use this forum to offer your opinions/suggestions as well.
Best wishes,
Gwen Douse
From: Gwen Douse
Sent: Friday, September 06, 2013 11:11 PM
Subject: Re: 202 and Gwynedd Knoll
Dear Kate,
We greatly appreciate your prompt reply. We look forward to the planting and weeding and the PENN DOT'S  relocation plan of plantings so there can be greenery in front of our entrance wall at 202 and Hancock. Hopefully the planting will occur on the earlier side of the fall planting season, before the October frost, so plants have a better chance of survival.
Would it be possible to resend the  attached plan mentioned in the email? I couldn't find it. 
Also  any further help you can offer as liaison between the township and PENN DOT,  in conjunction with PENN DOT's guidelines for planting, to get additional greenery through the township's tree bank at our 202/Hancock entrance and along 202 adjacent to Gwynedd Knoll would be most appreciated!
Thanks again very much to you, PENN DOT and our township officials.
Gwen Douse

Sent: Friday, September 06, 2013 9:42 AM
Subject: 202 and Gwynedd Knoll

Hi, Gwen,

Got your email and asked for help from PENNDOT. Here is their response :


"The subcontractor will return to the project to replace all dead plants and replant the area in front of the walls at Hancock in the near future.  The planting season for most plants according to our specifications is October 15- November 30.  We sometimes allow that window to expand depending on circumstances.  There is a chance that the sub-contractor may be in prior to October 15 but they will definitely return and replace all dead plantings prior to November 30.  Once again, there were no plantings called for in the plans for in front of the wall at Hancock Road but we relocated some from another location (see attached plan).


I directed our contractor to return and cut the "grass" one more time before the maintenance responsibilities get turned over to Penn DOT.  Their subcontractor is very busy, as are they, but I asked them to try to free someone up and get in here.  Unfortunately this is not a top priority for the contractor but I will continue to press him to get in here to cut the grass."


Upon reflection, I do recall them stating that they don't plant until the Fall planting season, so I guess that has not yet arrived. Kate



Kate M. Harper, Esq.
State Representative
61st Legislative District
1515 Dekalb Pike
Blue Bell, PA 19422

Blue Bell: 610-277-3230
HBG: 717-787-2801
fax  Blue Bell 610-270-1677
fax HBG 7171-787-2022
On the web at


The information transmitted is intended only for the person or entity to which it is addressed and may contain confidential and/or privileged material. Any review, retransmission, dissemination or other use of, or taking of any action in reliance upon, this information by persons or entities other than the intended recipient is prohibited. If you received this information in error, please contact the sender and delete the message and material from all computers.

neighborhood news lost cat

Dear neighbors,
Please see if you recognize this cat....note I received this a couple of days ago but have not heard that she has been claimed.
Carol Pfister

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <>
Date: Mon, Sep 9, 2013 at 9:02 PM
Subject: lost cat

Hi Carol, Brenda Doll on Lamplighter found this cat this afternoon.  Her email is: Thanks, Jen (hopefully I have correctly attached the photo)

neighborhood news

Dear neighbors,
Hard to believe it is fall already but the school buses are rolling through so I guess it really is! I hope everyone enjoyed a restful summer with a break from your normal activities.

I have two notes below from my neighbor, Eva. She is collecting donations of food for Philabundance in Philly and also school supplies for a classroom in Philly. Please consider donating...she has made it very easy for you - just drop things off at her house. Many thanks to Eva for giving us the opportunity to help!

Carol Pfister

Dear Friends,
Last year, many of you contributed to the Philabundance food bank in Philadelphia which supplies many food resource centers in the city and beyond, even the Ambler Food Cupboard.  Your generosity was so great that we filled an SUV from top to bottom and the Philabundance workers were very impressed that a couple of neighborhoods were able to collect such a large amount.  September is hunger awareness month and we are once again asking you to extend your hand to those less able to feed themselves and their families.  Philabundance accepts nonperishable food items (they also distribute fresh food but that generally comes from wholesalers and farms).  Specifically, some suggested items are canned tuna, macaroni and cheese, canned pasta, canned beef stew, canned chili, creamy peanut butter, jelly, canned green beans, canned corn, breakfast cereal and hot cereal.
We will deliver the food items to Philabundance.  Please consider dropping off a few needed grocery goods at Eva O'Brien's back porch, 1424 Cambridge Drive or Debbie Beardsley's front door, 1301 E. Meetinghouse Road anytime starting now until September 16th.  If you have any questions, feel free to call Debbie at 215-542-2398.
Thank you,
Debbie Beardsley &  Eva O'Brien

I have been working at Wissahickon Middle School for the past nine years.  This year I am working with a wonderful teacher in 6th grade. A very good friend of hers teaches 2nd grade in Philadelphia.  You may have been seeing in the news that they are working with a very limited budget.  This teacher has been purchasing school supplies for the students and her classroom herself.   We are both collecting supplies that she needs.  

I am not asking anyone to go out and buy items but if you have any school supplies that your children are not using (I know I have four boys and the school supply surplus in my storage area is perfect for her) If you have any items you would like to donate to this cause, please leave them on my back porch. Just pull in the driveway and I have a screened in porch.

If you have any questions, or need me to pick up anything, please call me at 215 661-8764.

My address is 1424 Cambridge Drive

                           North Wales PA 19454

 Thank you,  Eva O'Brien