Tuesday, December 4, 2007

neighborhood news

Dear Neighbors,

On Monday, December 3rd, at the Board of Supervisor's Meeting, PennDot presented an up-date on 202. Section 65 N (North) will be the first section to be completed, scheduled to begin in spring 2009. It includes the stretch from Swedesford Road, south of Hancock to Bethlehem Pike (2 miles). Welsh Road is to be improved from just east of Bell Run Boulevard to Stump Road (3/4 mile) and a short extension of 202 will connect Dekalb Pike to Parkway at Welsh Road. Because of concerns we expressed, we were told that Section 65 S (South), from Morris Road to south of Hancock (2.7 miles) was moved up in PennDot's construction schedule, and is to begin Fall 2010. (We had hoped that all of this construction would be done at once due to concerns of the intersection of Hancock and 202 and the bottleneck that could result from 4 lanes funneling into 2 lanes, but we were at least assured time table will be moved up; we also requested that when 65S does begin, construction starts at Hancock end rather than Morris Road end. Kate Harper, who was present and supportive of Gwynedd Knoll concerns, said she would check on this. Ed Brandt, led the meeting for the Supervisors. He showed support of our needs as well by requesting assurance that Hancock on the Upper Gwynedd side be widened to include 3 lanes with longer green arrows for the left and right lane, rather than the current 2 lanes-3 lanes would give one left, one right, and one straight. Since most traffic wants to turn left or right onto 202, if there is encouragement with this improved traffic flow, less traffic will cross into our neighborhood looking for cut-throughs.


Ken O'Brien of McMahon, traffic engineers commissioned by the township, discussed traffic calming measures within Gwynedd Knoll. He said that current traffic calming measures, such as restricted left turns, increased stop signs, etc. were improving conditions where installed; he did acknowledge that there was some displacement of issues in other parts of our neighborhood. He also reviewed additional traffic calming ideas, such as chokers and chicanes, which are increased curb extensions, but further narrow our streets, (which in some cases are already narrow; median islands in the middle of the road, textured crosswalks, and raised intersections.


Ed Brandt said that in January, when new Board is sworn in, a public safety committee will be formed to look at ways of improving safety in Gwynedd Knoll (and rest of township) and we will be informed of meetings/progresses.


Best wishes to all in this holiday season!

Gwen Douse


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