Tuesday, November 5, 2013

neighborhood news - meeting notes

Dear neighbors,
Please see notes below that have a summary of the meeting with the township yesterday morning. I have included notes from Gwen and Linda so you get a couple of perspectives...the more information the better!

There is also a note from Judy, a neighbor who attended the meeting, with another suggestion. Contact her directly to let her know what you think or write to Gwen.

In regards to the second meeting yesterday, I am very happy to report that two women in the neighborhood have volunteered to take over the treasurer and communication duties for us! They will be developing a new list-serve kind of tool for us to use so stay tuned for what that will look like. It will allow us to interact more directly via email. Andrea and I will be retiring when the new system is up and running and after we get the names changed on the bank account. Please note in the meeting notes that we will be needing to be maintaining our entryways ourselves so contributions will be requested. We need to keep our bank account! Please convey your thanks to Lynn O'Dell who will be your communication administrator and Penny Zografakis who will be your treasurer.

Don't forget to vote today!

Carol Pfister

From Gwen Douse:


Dear Neighbors,

A representative group of Gwynedd Knoll residents met today with township officials, Board of Supervisor members and Penn Dot officials on Monday to discuss the landscape situation and related issues along our stretch of 202.  We distributed our agenda of talking point  as well as pictures that clearly showed our lack of greenery, as well as the beautiful landscaping of our northern neighbors above 63 along the 202 bypass. Unfortunately it was a frustrating meeting. The township said they can't plant any additional shrubs along the barren remainder of the sound wall because the land is owned by the state. The state said that due to funding, they will only plant an additional 35 ivy plantings (barely enough to make much of an impact) which should reach maturity in the next few years.


We discussed how important greenery historically has been to the township. Although we were reminded of the many trail systems there are in the township,( mainly in the Gwynedd Valley area), we responded that although these trails are nice, unfortunately, this doesn't solve our problem of  lack of greenery in our section of the township. Also, as a major thoroughfare, it is an eyesore and far inferior to our northern neighbors. We did get to review the landscaping plan that originally was to be implemented before we were told that funding was cut. This plan had been well done, and it did show shrubs along the entire length of our section of 202. Had it been implemented, it would have been a huge improvement; currently our landscaping from Hancock going north abruptly stops to  match the historic farm across the street.

Neighbors offered several solutions including:

  • The township should ask the state for  special permission that would allow them to plant on this state owned land (although the township said they don't want to start this precedent, we responded that there are few other areas where this needs to be done and it shows a continued effort to maintaining greenery in our township).
  • Remove a collection of shrubs from each of the many retention basins and where there are double rows of shrubs in the area where they do not have as much impact and plant them at the north and south Hancock entrance to Gwynedd Knoll and along our sound wall, a major artery for our region
  • Although we were told we are limited on the  types of plants that can be used along this stretch due to salt used in winter, rocky soil and limited space, it was confirmed that some hardy shrubs could be used in addition to the ivy that would provide better coverage-we request that only Boston Ivy be used and that a much greater number of ivy be planted than the 35 plants planned, as well as these additional hardy shrubs.
  • Neighbor Bill Wenger offered to find out how much it would cost to finish the landscape plan. Perhaps a consortium can be formed that consists of state/township officials, Gwynedd Knoll residents, and local businesses to raise public and private funds for this landscape project.

Many  reasons were given why this project will be left incomplete. Please write to the email addresses below and let our public and elected officials that in this time  of budget cuts it is more essential than ever  for creative thinking and a can do attitude so we can find solutions to rightfully complete this very important landscape  project.

Thank you,

Gwen Douse


Kate Harper  kateharper@pahousenews.com

Larry Comunale  lcomunale@lowergwynedd.org

Board of Supervisors supervisors@lowergwynedd.org 

PennDot    pbeadling@pasen.gov

From Linda Callegari:
1. Meeting attended by approx. 10 neighbors, LGT officials, Twp. Manager & reps from Penndot.
2. After one year, Penndot says that all shrubs and trees are left to survive on their own.
3. Penndot will plant additional Virginia Creeper vines on the red walls and expects to also plant additional vines in the spring.
4. There are no further funds to plant additional plantings on the red walls.
5. Rhoads was not interested in sponsoring the two islands in the middle of the road.
6. The Twp. will not commit LGT taxpayer funds toward a project on state lands.
7. Further, LGT officials do not want to set a precedent by providing financial support to a LGT neighborhood as it might result in other requests.
7a. We asked for a community grant to be given to our Garden Club for the landscaping from LGT and they refused.
8. The Twp. is planning to create formal Welcome to LGT signage on the stone walls (such as at Bethlehem Pike & Penlynn Pike) at 63 & 309 and they also mentioned somewhere else at Rt. 63.
9. Gwy. Knoll neighbors received full copies of the landscape plans to review.
10. Penndot expressed reservations that any landscaping along the sections of the red wall where there is narrow spacing, would survive due to all the road salt that will be pushed onto that area when they plow in the winter.
11. The LGT landscape maintenance guy said he'd recommend shrubs that could be placed at the red wall that he feels could/would survive and which we could pay for.
12. Bill Wanger is going to work with this Twp. employee to develop suggestions and then contact landscapers to see what it would cost.
13. Twp. suggested that we form a Neighborhood Assn., however, many neighborhood reps at the meeting expressed concerns that with over 190 homes, it would be very difficult at this  juncture to get a unanimous vote.
14. Penndot said that we could plant additional shrubs/trees along the walls and would not object. We would have to notify them that we would do this so that their maintenance crews would not weed-wack it.
15. Key to any of the above ideas will be that everyone in the neighborhood needs to contribute to the landscaping collection each year. This is totally up to each homeowner, however, we cannot do this landscaping ourselves due to the dangerous location on 202 and thus need to  use a professional  landscape firm.
16. Many of the neighbors who attended the meeting came away feeling that the Twp. did nothing to help the neighborhood. We felt that the only reason the new shrubs were planted at Hancock was because of this meeting. We do not know for sure though. LGT Supervisors in attendance were Kathleen Hunsicker, Steven Paccione & Mr. Booth. The latter two are running for re-election so when you go to vote tomorrow...think about all the help and support they have given to us!!!
What do you all think about this? We need to get feedback and if others who attended this meeting want to add additional information or personal impressions of the meeting, please chime in.

On Nov 5, 2013, at 7:47 AM, "Mary Judith. Masiak" <mjmasiak@aol.com> wrote:

Hi to all,
   I would still like to soften our entryway. Thoughts I had in addition to more shrubs is permission to paint the guard rails just at our entryway black with matching black signs on the walls reading Gwynedd Knoll. Please give these ideas some thought. Thanks, Judy 




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