Saturday, October 5, 2013

neighborhood news 202 #2

Dear neighbors,
Another note has come in from Gwen regarding the entrances. Please read below her correspondence with the township and respond to her directly if you would like to join in her efforts. The township addresses are listed in the note so you can write to them also.
Thank you,

Carol Pfister

Dear Neighbors,
As many of you may have noticed, sparse, unhealthy looking plants were put in at our 202/Hancock entrance. Unfortunately many now are dead. Please see the email I sent to officials regarding our current situation. It has been a very frustrating experience. Some nice trees have been planted along parts of the sound wall, so hopefully that job will be completed.  We need to keep up our phone calls and emails (addresses below) until  greenery is restored to our area. We are in the heart of planting season.
Thanks so much,
Gwen Douse
From: Gwen Douse
Sent: Friday, October 04, 2013 10:05 PM
Subject: Re: 202 and Gwynedd Knoll
Dear Public and Township Officials,
A few weeks ago some plantings and a few pieces of ivy were planted on the north and south sides of the entrance to Gwynedd Knoll at Hancock and 202. Unfortunately the plants did not look healthy when they were planted and now some of them are dead (pictures 1, 2, and 3). For many, many  months now we have asked for your help in having at least a decent showing of plants at this entrance and along the barren walls. We appreciate that an effort was made, but sadly, as you can see from the result, it did not do much to improve our situation. Pictures 4 and 5 show some lovely landscaping north of us. All along the 202 bypass, in the northern townships, it really is beautiful!
With the little bit left to do on this project, we would GREATLY APPRECIATE if a concerted effort can be made to restore more healthy and lush greenery (we assume those dead plants will also be replaced) to our neck of the woods at our entrance and along the remaining barren sections of sound wall that are adjacent to Gwynedd Knoll. Also if the gravel can be removed from the south side of Hancock and soil  added, then at least ivy (more plentiful) could be used as greenery.
Again your help and support would make a difference in restoring greenery to Lower Gwynedd.
We look forward to your response, help, and support.
Thank you again,
From: Gwen Douse
Sent: Friday, September 06, 2013 11:11 PM
Subject: Re: 202 and Gwynedd Knoll
Dear Kate,
We greatly appreciate your prompt reply. We look forward to the planting and weeding and the PENN DOT'S  relocation plan of plantings so there can be greenery in front of our entrance wall at 202 and Hancock. Hopefully the planting will occur on the earlier side of the fall planting season, before the October frost, so plants have a better chance of survival.
Would it be possible to resend the  attached plan mentioned in the email? I couldn't find it. 
Also  any further help you can offer as liaison between the township and PENN DOT,  in conjunction with PENN DOT's guidelines for planting, to get additional greenery through the township's tree bank at our 202/Hancock entrance and along 202 adjacent to Gwynedd Knoll would be most appreciated!
Thanks again very much to you, PENN DOT and our township officials.
Gwen Douse

Sent: Friday, September 06, 2013 9:42 AM
Subject: 202 and Gwynedd Knoll

Hi, Gwen,

Got your email and asked for help from PENNDOT. Here is their response :


"The subcontractor will return to the project to replace all dead plants and replant the area in front of the walls at Hancock in the near future.  The planting season for most plants according to our specifications is October 15- November 30.  We sometimes allow that window to expand depending on circumstances.  There is a chance that the sub-contractor may be in prior to October 15 but they will definitely return and replace all dead plantings prior to November 30.  Once again, there were no plantings called for in the plans for in front of the wall at Hancock Road but we relocated some from another location (see attached plan).


I directed our contractor to return and cut the "grass" one more time before the maintenance responsibilities get turned over to Penn DOT.  Their subcontractor is very busy, as are they, but I asked them to try to free someone up and get in here.  Unfortunately this is not a top priority for the contractor but I will continue to press him to get in here to cut the grass."


Upon reflection, I do recall them stating that they don't plant until the Fall planting season, so I guess that has not yet arrived. Kate



Kate M. Harper, Esq.
State Representative
61st Legislative District
1515 Dekalb Pike
Blue Bell, PA 19422

Blue Bell: 610-277-3230
HBG: 717-787-2801
fax  Blue Bell 610-270-1677
fax HBG 7171-787-2022
On the web at


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