Sunday, January 13, 2013

neighborhood news

Dear neighbors,
Please read Frank's note below and let us know if you experience the same problem or if you know if there is a plan to correct the situation already. Please copy me and Frank  at in your response.
Thank you!

Carol Pfister

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Frank Malfi <>
Date: Thu, Jan 10, 2013 at 11:10 AM
Subject: Re: neighborhood news
To: Gwynedd Knoll Garden Club <>

Hi Carol -
Another issue I'd like to address is one regarding the traffic light at Hancock and Rt. 202.  Before the construction started there was a turn signal for the traffic turning onto Hancock coming from the southbound turn lane of Rt 202.  However, there is no longer a turn signal for that lane and I've sat at that light on a number of occasions watching the opposing northbound turn lane leverage their turn signal and then waited a very long time to turn into the neighborhood entrance.  It's much harder now with 2 lanes of traffic to wait for.  During peak travel times I often have to wait until the entire cycle is over and traffic has stopped, and that generally means 1 or maybe 2 cars at most have the opportunity to turn before the next cycle starts, which poses a safety hazard.
Before I e-mail Kate or Larry I was wondering if anyone had any insight on this.  Was that in the plan to be changed and I overlooked it or was it an oversight by the township? 
Much appreciated,
Frank Malfi
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, January 09, 2013 10:56 PM
Subject: neighborhood news

Dear neighbors,
Happy new year to you! Hope you have a healthy and happy 2013.  Please see the note below from Gwen suggesting that we write to the township and state to request the promised help with the landscaping on 202. Thank you for your help!

Also, I've received a request for snowplowing recommendations - please see the note below from Sue Weber with her contact information.

Thank you,

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