Monday, October 5, 2009

neighborhood news

Hello, neighbors,
I believe the whole summer has gone by without an email note from me! There hasn't been much news to pass on but now that fall is here, things are picking up. I do apologize for not getting a summer party set up - would anyone like to try a party this fall? Let me know if you would...could even be to watch a game together or some other theme - I'm up for ideas.  We will of course plan our annual progressive dinner for February or March.

We have an opportunity to clean out our closets - neighbor Eva O'Brien is coordinating a coat and blanket drive for the middle school students this week and next. She would be glad to add your donations to the school collection. You can drop anything off at her home on Cambridge Dr. (It has a for sale sign in the front yard.) The gently used blankets and coats will be given to the Impact Thrift store who will attempt to sell them. They give their profits to several charitable organizations. Also any items that do not sell are given to an organization that will get them to truly needy people.  I hope you can help in this good cause and get your closet cleaned out at the same time!

I would also like to extend many thanks to all the neighbors who have contributed to our entryway landscaping expenses! About half the neighborhood (92 families) have contributed a little more than $7,000. Thank you for your generosity. The entryways are looking so nice - we hope you enjoy driving past on your way home. Several bushes have recently been replaced at the Meetinghouse entry, and landscaper contracting is underway for 2010.  Look for the pansies in early Spring!  If you have not yet contributed, please send a check (suggested: $80.00) to Gwynedd Knoll Garden Club, c/o Andrea Daeubler,  1216 Turnbury Lane, PO Box 242, Gwynedd Valley, PA  19437.

Hope this note finds you all well - let me know if you have anything that you would like me to pass on to the neighborhood!

Carol Pfister

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