Wednesday, July 16, 2008

neighborhood news

Dear neighbors,
You might enjoy coming to our neighborhood park tonight - the Wissahickon Pops will be playing! This is the summer band program for the school district - many of our kids have or now participate. Come see your neighbors in the park! Starts at 7:00.

This is also a reminder about our summer party coming up soon. I need to hear from you if you are able to come...the info is copied below. Please try to join us!
Carol Pfister

YOU are invited to our first neighborhood summer party on Saturday, July 26 !

Place: Collier and Ashley Smyth's home on Rose Lane

Time: 7:00 pm until ?

Theme: Tropical nights....

What can you bring?  Heavy appetizers or a dessert and your favorite beverage
                                 (we will not be serving dinner entrees - it's good to eat lightly in the summer!)

Who can come? Any adults in the 'hood...we will plan a kid friendly party another time.

RSVP: Important:  let Carol know if you can come and what you would like to bring!

Many thanks to Collier for volunteering their home - hope you all can come and enjoy some fun times with your neighbors. Many people have requested this at the progressive dinner party in February so let's give it a try this year!

Carol Pfister

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