Wednesday, February 13, 2008

neighborhood news

Dear neighbors,
Isn't the weather this week amazing? Such extremes...hope your basement isn't flooding today. Please see the note copied below from a neighbor who needs gutter repair - we all may after this storm! Please respond directly to him if you can help.

Don't forget that our progressive dinner is coming right up on March 1! I need to know soon if you are able to come - please drop me an email to let me know. If you are struggling to find a babysitter, please don't let that stop you - we can try to coordinate those needs. We have about 30 people coming so far...there is plenty of room for more. We always have such a good time meeting new friends and re-connecting with old ones. I especially need hosts for the evening but you can also come and just bring a food item. Talk to your friends and come join us!

Carol Pfister 215-661-8775

Can you check to see if anyone has used a Gutter & Downspout Repairman they were pleased with.  Thanks!
Please respond to:
William R. Wanger
Attorney at Law
Fox Rothschild LLP
1250 South Broad Street
Lansdale, PA 19446-0431
215.661.9405 - direct
215.699.6000 - main
215.699.0231 - fax
215.694.5217 - mobile
e-mail address: 
firm web site:

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