Dear neighbors,Below is Rep. Kate Harper's email response to our concerns. Very unfortunately PennDOT has made it clear they will not further landscape our 202 section due to budget restrictions, as was in the original plan. It is not clear about the replanting of dead/missing shrubs there, but they say it will happen in the fall. I asked our local officials-Board of Supervisors, township manager, Rep. Kate Harper and Senator Greenleaf to ensure that the fall replanting occurs and provide the additional help we need in that regard.I also requested that local/township provide additional help for the Hancock entrance in the way of the tree bank, use of our township maintenance dept., etc. as this entrance is such a poor reflection of our neighborhood to residents, prospective buyers, and commuters. (See below). As to Kate's item #5 that Penn DOT's budget was made several years ago, it is not clear then why other landscaping was done and our landscaping was cut from that original budget.
With regard to the trash in this entrance area, in the 22 years, I have lived in Gwynedd Knoll, it was never a problem until our entrance became an aesthetic nightmare. It seems to attract trash courtesy of disrespectful passing drivers. Certainly picking up trash along trails for residents does not present the same safety hazards as picking up the trash along a 4 lane highway with a narrow shoulder, as is suggested that we do.Hopefully additional trees and shrubs can also be phased in along sound wall in that manner as well with help from the township. For ease to those who also wish to write to local officials to get township help for the landscaping situation, below are their email addresses. It is very difficult to wash our hands of our neighborhood/our home and say it is not worth the effort. Whatever suggestions or help that can be shared would be greatly appreciated!!!Kate Harper Kharper@pahousegop.comLarry Comunale, Twp mgr. lcomunale@lowergwynedd.orgBoard of supervisors for LG. supervisors@lowergwynedd.orgSenator Greenleaf sgreenleaf@pasen.govSincerely,Gwen Douse

Begin forwarded message:From: Kate Harper <>
Date: July 25, 2013, 2:54:42 PM EDT
To: Gwen Douse <>, "" <>, "L. Comunale" <>, Board of Supervisors <>, Stewart Greenleaf <>
Subject: Gwynedd Knoll and Route 202Folks,
It took me a few days to get a response from PENNDOT, to whom I directed your emails, but I will try to answer the questions that you raised.
1. Regarding the "painting" of the soundwalls, and to Donna's point that the money could have been better spent . PENNDOT did not pay extra for the inefficient way some of the walls were painted. Here is their answer : "As you know we utilize a low bid process. Means and methods are the contractors responsibility. Sometimes those means and methods may not appear to be the most efficient but those decisions are made by the contractor or his sub-contractors." In other words, the low bidder made the walls resemble red brick at the cost he promised to PENNDOT in his low bid even when some of the walls were not factory painted and had to be painted "by hand."
2. To the complaints that PENNDOT is not maintaining certain areas as the residents might have hoped, this is what PENNDOT had to say: "Ultimately the maintenance of the Parkway and the 65N section will be PENNDOT's Maintenance Unit's responsibility. The date that those responsibilities change hands from the contractor to PENNDOT is different for each section. For 65N that changeover will occur toward the end of summer. Basically the contractor is responsible to maintain plants and replace dead trees/plants prior to the end of their one year plant establishment period. In speaking with some of our Maintenance people, I think there is a concern with the ability to properly maintain the numerous planting beds with the funds that are currently available. Keep in mind these projects were designed some 6-8 years ago when maybe the funding climate may have been different and/or the maintenance costs may have been less of a concern. I believe the initial maintenance effort for the beds will be focused on the intersection areas. "In other words, in today's budgetary climate it is unlikely that PENNDOT's maintenance schedule mwould be optimal for what people have wanted for the plantings and beds that do exist, or for any enhanced landscaping, but they will be tasked with maintaining the right of way. As I have suggested before, the residents of Gwynedd Knoll who prefer to have the areas near Hancock and 202 landscaped and maintained at a higher level might undertake that role themselves. I do understand that Gwynedd Knoll has some sort of garden club that might be able to enhance the entrance to the community and be responsible for its maintenance. I would be happy to ask for permission for the work to be done in the right of way. Otherwise I am afraid PENNDOT's typical maintenance program for the state highway system would not be adequate for any planting beds or perhaps for what's there now.
3. PENNDOT's Usual Maintenance. PENNDOT says: "PENNDOT maintains areas within our Right of Way (ROW). For the most part the ROW line on 65N is a few feet behind the soundwalls (homeowner side). I am not sure how often our Maintenance folks would get back there but it probably would not be maintained to a lawn like condition. What typically happens is that the adjoining homeowner ends up assuming their property runs to the wall and maintains it."
4. With regard to the Gwynedd Knoll entrance at Hancock Road. PENNDOT says they actually installed extra plantings there in response to earlier pleas from me. PENNDOT "did direct the contractor to install some plantings in front of the wall at both corners. They were planted but it appears only a couple remain. I'm not sure why they did not take or are gone. The contractor is responsible to replant those plants and have they have recently been reminded as such. " PENNDOT says more plants will be planted in the Fall as replacements but once again, maintenance is a concern. Litter is something that those who adopt a highway agree to pick up, but the frequency might not be enough to stop an empty bottle from being visible as it was in the photo you sent. Elsewhere in Lower Gwynedd, it is not unsual for citizens to help keep the place looking nice. I have often seen people on the trails carry a bag and pick up litter and I have done it myself. Of course, tossing a bottle from a car or a bike, or even while running is already illegal but littering does happen.5. To the complaint that there are more plantings elsewhere along the roadway. This was a design issue and not something PENNDOT can change now as the road was bid, let, and built, and the money for this project is spent.
And, as previously stated, the vast majority of my constituents are delighted with the new roadway and how it has helped manage congestion in the area.
Sorry for the lengthy email. Hope this clarifies things.
State Representative Kate Harper
209 Ryan Office Building. 1515 Dekalb Pike
PO Box 202061. Suite 106
Harrisburg, PA 17120-2061. Blue Bell, PA 19422
717-787-2801. 610-277-3230
From: Gwen Douse []
Sent: Saturday, July 20, 2013 11:26 PM
To: Kate Harper;; L. Comunale; Board of Supervisors; Stewart Greenleaf
Cc:; Kathy Rusch
Subject: Re: spare tire update
It was reported today that the abandoned tire was finally removed from the
Hancock/202 entrance to Gwynedd Knoll, although a large dirty cup remains
among the weeds as shown in photo 1/Hancock Road and 202. A neighbor took
photo 2. It shows a lovely array of shrubs planted along the 202 by-pass
near the entrance to the Giant/Target shopping center. We are frustrated and
dismayed that even the shopping center has nicer landscaping then what was
left to Gwynedd Knoll and the major 202 artery that runs adjacent to it !
As residents of Lower Gwynedd since 1979 and 22 year residents of Gwynedd
Knoll we are heartbroken at the sight of this Hancock entrance to our
neighborhood on a daily basis. While shopping centers, retention basins,
miles of highway north of us, and even a cul-de-sac to small neighborhood
with the double rows of trees, enjoy wonderful aesthetics, we are left with
a decimated entrance to our wonderful neighborhood and large sections of
sparse sound wall adjacent to it.
We strongly urge you to direct that adequate landscaping (at least as nice
as the shopping center) be added to the Hancock entrance on both sides of
Hancock; south of the Hancock entrance, along 202, the very unattractive
gravel be removed and soil laid down/ivy planted: and all along the 202
stretch adjacent to Gwynedd Knoll, north of the Hancock entrance, all the
sections be filled with greenery.
For the sake of the township, commuters, and Gwynedd Knoll, we appreciate
your help with this very important matter.
Best wishes,
Gwen and Robert DouseThe information transmitted is intended only for the person or entity to which it is addressed and may contain confidential and/or privileged material. Any review, retransmission, dissemination or other use of, or taking of any action in reliance upon, this information by persons or entities other than the intended recipient is prohibited. If you received this information in error, please contact the sender and delete the message and material from all computers.
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