Dear neighbors,
See below for a couple of different notes/requests from the 'hood. The first is a request for a referral for a siding company and the second note is about a program to introduce opera to unusual and wonderful idea! They are working to keep music in the Philadelphia schools or available to the children through other venues. Please respond directly to Lynn if you are able to recommend a siding company. Thank you!
Hi Carol
This is Lynn from 1617 Stonington. We are looking to remove our stucco and go with a cementitious siding. I was wondering if anyone could recommend a company for siding please? We are having a hard time trying to get someone who is skilled for an exterior remodel.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <>
Date: Wed, Jul 17, 2013 at 2:45 AM
Subject: For our neighborhood - Fwd: Children's Opera Box campaign
From: <>
Date: Wed, Jul 17, 2013 at 2:45 AM
Subject: For our neighborhood - Fwd: Children's Opera Box campaign
Hello Carol - I wanted to pass on this information below about a wonderful program my very good friend, Paula Rivera started a few years ago, to provide musical "Opera" education and inspiration in the schools, starting in the Philadelphia schools, and expanding last year -- by demand -- into the suburbs, Plymouth Meeting Friends is the closest to us so far, but Wissahickon was in talks last year as well. The response to this program has been exceptional. I am sure you have all been following the horror of the cuts to budget and programs in the Philadelphia schools -- but many may not know they have totally cut out ALL music programs, including band, choir, any musical instrument lessons --- ALL music gone from the schools. Do you know that there has been a hunger strike in the city protesting these extreme and inequitable cuts? Isn't this just heartbreaking? This program has the backing of the Executive Director of the Philadelphia Opera, and Paula is a singer in the opera. It relies on the volunteerism of these professional singers passionate about the value of arts for children, and for enriching disadvantaged communities.
Please pass this on, and hopefully it will touch you all, and inspire you all, as it did me! Thank you, Julia Wagner, 1417 Tanglewood Drive
-----Original Message-----
From: Paula Rivera <>
Sent: Wed, Jul 17, 2013 12:54 am
Subject: Children's Opera Box campaign
Dear friends,
From: Paula Rivera <>
Sent: Wed, Jul 17, 2013 12:54 am
Subject: Children's Opera Box campaign
Dear friends,
As some of you know, I am the Artistic Director of Children's Opera Box, an educational Opera Company with the goal of bringing opera to children of all ages, especially those that would otherwise no have the chance to experience it.
We have launched a fundraising campaign through Indiegogo to fund our newest production, Rossini's Cinderella. Please follow the link below to find out about our program and our goal and consider donating if you are able. And even if you are not able to donate, please share this link with your friends. It will help us very much!
We believe that music and arts education are for EVERYONE and are working hard to do our part to make it happen.
Thank you very much!!!
Paula Rivera-Dantagnan, mezzo-sopranoArtistic Director, Children's Opera Box
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