Sunday, October 20, 2013

neighborhood news - retirement!

Dear neighbors,

I just checked our Gwynedd Knoll gmail account...we started using it in October of 2007...that is 6 years ago! I have been the facilitator for the email list since then. It has become a very useful tool for the neighborhood. Before that I coordinated the progressive dinner for many years and helped start the Gwynedd Knoll garden club - our original communication too. I believe it is time for a change...time for me to retire, time for someone else to take over as coordinator, and time for us to look at perhaps a new way to do this communication. Technology has changed so much in the last few years especially...I'm wondering if an interactive blog or Facebook type page might be more appropriate for our needs when there are issues in the 'hood. There is a blog page set up currently but we do not use it for posting or any conversation. When issues like the 202 entryways come up, it would be great to just be able to post your thoughts and get responses without a coordinator having to pass them on. Maintaining the email listing will be necessary in addition.

Andrea Daeubler would also like to retire as our treasurer...she has served for the same amount of time as I have. She  has organized neighborhood collections and worked with landscapers for the planting of the entryways several times. We should all be very thankful for her work! She has more and more demands in her work as an executive downtown so is ready to hand the treasurer duties over to someone else. We can discuss if that needs to be handled differently too because even with the more permanent plantings continued future contributions will be needed for upkeep, such as annual mulching. We have maintained a checking account for many years, but we need to add to the balance for the Spring 2014 maintenance and beyond. Please come to the meeting to make your thoughts known!


I am therefore calling a meeting for Monday, November 4 at 7:30 pm at my house. I would like anyone to attend who has an interest in advising on this transition and of course, anyone who would like to take over as coordinator! All you techies out there who use the new media, please come and help. Don't you want to add web master or blog master or community organizer to your resume? (:  I have really enjoyed connecting people within the 'hood and passing on information - you can too! We need another treasurer...please help out if that is your gift.

Lastly, yes, there is another neighborhood meeting in the morning of November 4 with the township...lucky you can go to two meetings in the 'hood that day! (: Two different topics...all are welcome to both meetings.

Please let me know if you are interested in helping but cannot attend. You can rsvp to me at this email or text me at 215-872-9958...please try to come - the more input, the better!

Thank you,


Carol Pfister

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