Wednesday, January 9, 2013

neighborhood news

Dear neighbors,
Happy new year to you! Hope you have a healthy and happy 2013.  Please see the note below from Gwen suggesting that we write to the township and state to request the promised help with the landscaping on 202. Thank you for your help!

Also, I've received a request for snowplowing recommendations - please see the note below from Sue Weber with her contact information.

Thank you,

Hi Carol,
As a follow-up to our fall 202 meeting regarding landscaping, please send the message below to our neighbors.
Thanks so much,
Dear neighbors,
There has been much concern expressed by many of us in the lack of progress with landscaping along 202 adjacent to Gwynedd Knoll. Below is the letter I sent to Kate Harper and Larry Comunale. It would be greatly beneficial if others wish to help in this effort. Their email addresses are below.
Thank you,
Gwen Douse

Kate Harper 

Larry Comunale

Dear Kate and Larry,
I hope all is well. As a follow-up to the fall meeting,
many neighbors are asking about the status of the landscaping along 202, adjacent to our neighborhood. We also wanted to check on the status of Larry's offer to talk with Rhoad's Garden Center and (hopefully) using trees from the township's tree bank to fill in with green along the barren wall next to Gwynedd Knoll. 

We also look forward to your help in restoring what once was a lovely entrance at 202 and Hancock with the addition of landscaping. In addition, there was talk of possibly obtaining a Gwynedd Knoll name sign for that entrance and we wanted to ask the status of that as well.  

We respectfully request that the township does not sign off on this segment of the bypass until improvements are made to the landscaping.  We look forward to your support and finding creative solutions to help us this era of budget constraints. 

Best wishes in this holiday season.
Gwen Douse

From Sue Weber:
Would you mind posting a request for a reliable snow plow reference to the neighborhood? I have been searching for days with little luck as our lawn care company does not plow. Anyone willing to share a reference can email me at call at 215-699-4205. Thanks for your help with this, and Happy New Year!

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