Monday, November 11, 2013

neighborhood help groups

Dear neighbors,
We have been getting notes that many people are having trouble signing into our Google group - especially if you do not already have a google account (gmail). Please check out this video on You tube and see if it helps. It explains in detail how to sign up without having a gmail account - it uses a yahoo account as the example but the instructions are the same for any type of email account.

Please note that you still have to create and sign into the group account after you accept the invitation. I also found I had to sign into group  a couple of times until it finally went through. Patience is a virtue....(:

Do send us an email if you still are having trouble. The good news is that 64 people have already accepted the invitation! Thanks for giving this a try!

Carol and Lynn

Re: Delivery Status Notification (Failure)

I forgot to mention that when register the new gmail account you can choose "prefer to use the other email(not gmail account)"
That is what IIene did and it seems to work for her.

On Mon, Nov 11, 2013 at 1:59 PM, Mail Delivery Subsystem <> wrote:
Delivery to the following recipient failed permanently:

Technical details of permanent failure:
Google tried to deliver your message, but it was rejected by the server for the recipient domain by [].

The error that the other server returned was:
554 delivery error: dd This user doesn't have a account ( [-5] -

----- Original message -----

DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=20120113;
MIME-Version: 1.0
X-Received: by with SMTP id vo1mr2835656lbb.31.1384196355106;
 Mon, 11 Nov 2013 10:59:15 -0800 (PST)
Received: by with HTTP; Mon, 11 Nov 2013 10:59:15 -0800 (PST)
Date: Mon, 11 Nov 2013 13:59:15 -0500
Message-ID: <>
Subject: issues with message board(list-serv)
From: Gwynedd Knoll Connects <>
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary=089e0115fb080bb1ea04eaeb541b

So, you will be happy to know that if you are having problems signing in
YOU ARE NOT ALONE. That is the good news. I have figured out that even
though I set Gwynedd Knoll Connects up to accept all accounts, not just
gmail accounts, it is not allowing non-gmail account to sign in.
The only work around is the open a gmail account. Thanks to IIene Cantos
for her help! Please bear with us as the conversion isnt as seamless and I
had hoped it would be for everyone.
So, please register yourself with a gmail account and then you should have
access to the group.

My plan B is to hold a technical  meeting after the 1st of the year for
anyone still having issues so hold tight.

Thanks for your patience,



issues with message board(list-serv)

So, you will be happy to know that if you are having problems signing in YOU ARE NOT ALONE. That is the good news. I have figured out that even though I set Gwynedd Knoll Connects up to accept all accounts, not just gmail accounts, it is not allowing non-gmail account to sign in.
The only work around is the open a gmail account. Thanks to IIene Cantos for her help! Please bear with us as the conversion isnt as seamless and I had hoped it would be for everyone.
So, please register yourself with a gmail account and then you should have access to the group.
My plan B is to hold a technical  meeting after the 1st of the year for anyone still having issues so hold tight.
Thanks for your patience,

neighborhood news - meeting Tuesday

Dear neighbors,
I am writing to remind you of the meeting that Sue Weber called. This meeting will  establish an action plan to address the landscaping issue on our neighborhood's section of route 202. It will be at Sue & Andy Webers', 1625 Claudia Way on November 12 at 7pm. Please contact her at cheezhds to rsvp.

I hope you all have received an invitation to join our new neighborhood list-serv email communication system. Lynn has done a great job setting it all up - many thanks! The new system will allow you to send an email right out to the whole group, instead of having to go through an administrator. And you can see all the responses. You need to join the Google Group which has been set up in order to participate. If you have any problems joining up - please let us know at this address and Lynn or myself will get back to you. This will be a great tool for us once we get rolling. (:
Thank you,
Carol Pfister

Please let me know if you plan to attend Tuesday's meeting to establish an action plan to address the landscaping issue on our neighborhood's section of route 202. It will be at Sue & Andy Webers', 1625 Claudia Way on November 12 at 7pm. You should have received a prior email about this last week with all of the summaries of last Monday's meeting at the township. Thanks, Sue Weber

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

neighborhood news

Dear neighbors,
Please see the note below from Sue Weber, a neighbor who attended the township meeting. She has arranged a meeting at her house on Tuesday, Nov 12 to discuss further action. Please let her know directly if you are able to attend.

Also - please remember to put out any groceries you would like to donate to the Kane family food drive tomorrow, Thursday. They should be put by your mailbox for pickup between 4 and 6 pm.

Lastly, see the note below recommending a vet that a neighbor found in an emergency.

Carol Pfister

From: Susan Weber <>
Date: November 5, 2013 at 1:14:33 PM EST

Subject: Re: Summary of meeting with township

Hello Everyone;

After reading Gwen's summary and pondering yesterday's meeting, I would like to suggest that we get together to discuss an alternative action plan. Clearly the state, PennDot, and Lower Gwynedd Township are not interested in addressing our issues on the 202 bypass. I believe we have attempted to communicate our concerns in a reasonable and rationale matter and have only heard excuses why there is nothing that can be done. If we want to see some results, it may be time to plan a more aggressive campaign for the original 202 bypass plan to be completed as promised. Gwen and I spoke this morning and we feel that we have not exhausted all of the avenues that could lead to some more satisfactory results than yesterday's meeting. We have a few ideas to share already. 

We would like to meet with you to process and to come up with a plan. Please bring your ideas and any concerned neighbors who could not attend Monday morning's meeting. We can meet at my house next Tuesday evening, November 12 at 7pm, assuming enough of you are available that time and date. The address is 1625 Claudia Way. We hope you can attend. Please reply and let me know if you can or cannot attend, so we can be sure to arrange another date if necessary. This is just too important an issue to accept the ongoing "No can do" attitude of our elected officials. 

Sue Weber
1625 Claudia Way

Hi Carol,
 If anyone is looking for a good, local vet that is caring, knowledgeable and very reasonable, I just found a new one in Lansdale.  He is Dr. Yang, DVM, PhD.  He has only been there 3 or 4 months, so many people don't know about him yet.  It is Lansdale Animal Hospital located at 1108 N. Broad Street.  Lansdale, PA.  215 855-5545.  The office is located on Broad St. about 1mile north of Welsh Road (Main Street) on the left.
My cat was very sick last Saturday afternoon and I was frantically trying to find a "non-emergency" hospital to take her to.  When I called Lansdale Animal Hospital, they said to bring her right in and when I did, they saw her and treated her immediately.
The office visit was only $35, plus the injections he gave her there and the medications I took home.  I left there with a bill for $92.  Not only a bargain, but good office hours too.  9 -7 Mon-Thurs, 9-6 on Fridays and 9-5 on Saturdays.
 Please let the neighborhood know.
 Bridget Jones
Claudia Way

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

neighborhood news - meeting notes

Dear neighbors,
Please see notes below that have a summary of the meeting with the township yesterday morning. I have included notes from Gwen and Linda so you get a couple of perspectives...the more information the better!

There is also a note from Judy, a neighbor who attended the meeting, with another suggestion. Contact her directly to let her know what you think or write to Gwen.

In regards to the second meeting yesterday, I am very happy to report that two women in the neighborhood have volunteered to take over the treasurer and communication duties for us! They will be developing a new list-serve kind of tool for us to use so stay tuned for what that will look like. It will allow us to interact more directly via email. Andrea and I will be retiring when the new system is up and running and after we get the names changed on the bank account. Please note in the meeting notes that we will be needing to be maintaining our entryways ourselves so contributions will be requested. We need to keep our bank account! Please convey your thanks to Lynn O'Dell who will be your communication administrator and Penny Zografakis who will be your treasurer.

Don't forget to vote today!

Carol Pfister

From Gwen Douse:


Dear Neighbors,

A representative group of Gwynedd Knoll residents met today with township officials, Board of Supervisor members and Penn Dot officials on Monday to discuss the landscape situation and related issues along our stretch of 202.  We distributed our agenda of talking point  as well as pictures that clearly showed our lack of greenery, as well as the beautiful landscaping of our northern neighbors above 63 along the 202 bypass. Unfortunately it was a frustrating meeting. The township said they can't plant any additional shrubs along the barren remainder of the sound wall because the land is owned by the state. The state said that due to funding, they will only plant an additional 35 ivy plantings (barely enough to make much of an impact) which should reach maturity in the next few years.


We discussed how important greenery historically has been to the township. Although we were reminded of the many trail systems there are in the township,( mainly in the Gwynedd Valley area), we responded that although these trails are nice, unfortunately, this doesn't solve our problem of  lack of greenery in our section of the township. Also, as a major thoroughfare, it is an eyesore and far inferior to our northern neighbors. We did get to review the landscaping plan that originally was to be implemented before we were told that funding was cut. This plan had been well done, and it did show shrubs along the entire length of our section of 202. Had it been implemented, it would have been a huge improvement; currently our landscaping from Hancock going north abruptly stops to  match the historic farm across the street.

Neighbors offered several solutions including:

  • The township should ask the state for  special permission that would allow them to plant on this state owned land (although the township said they don't want to start this precedent, we responded that there are few other areas where this needs to be done and it shows a continued effort to maintaining greenery in our township).
  • Remove a collection of shrubs from each of the many retention basins and where there are double rows of shrubs in the area where they do not have as much impact and plant them at the north and south Hancock entrance to Gwynedd Knoll and along our sound wall, a major artery for our region
  • Although we were told we are limited on the  types of plants that can be used along this stretch due to salt used in winter, rocky soil and limited space, it was confirmed that some hardy shrubs could be used in addition to the ivy that would provide better coverage-we request that only Boston Ivy be used and that a much greater number of ivy be planted than the 35 plants planned, as well as these additional hardy shrubs.
  • Neighbor Bill Wenger offered to find out how much it would cost to finish the landscape plan. Perhaps a consortium can be formed that consists of state/township officials, Gwynedd Knoll residents, and local businesses to raise public and private funds for this landscape project.

Many  reasons were given why this project will be left incomplete. Please write to the email addresses below and let our public and elected officials that in this time  of budget cuts it is more essential than ever  for creative thinking and a can do attitude so we can find solutions to rightfully complete this very important landscape  project.

Thank you,

Gwen Douse


Kate Harper

Larry Comunale

Board of Supervisors 


From Linda Callegari:
1. Meeting attended by approx. 10 neighbors, LGT officials, Twp. Manager & reps from Penndot.
2. After one year, Penndot says that all shrubs and trees are left to survive on their own.
3. Penndot will plant additional Virginia Creeper vines on the red walls and expects to also plant additional vines in the spring.
4. There are no further funds to plant additional plantings on the red walls.
5. Rhoads was not interested in sponsoring the two islands in the middle of the road.
6. The Twp. will not commit LGT taxpayer funds toward a project on state lands.
7. Further, LGT officials do not want to set a precedent by providing financial support to a LGT neighborhood as it might result in other requests.
7a. We asked for a community grant to be given to our Garden Club for the landscaping from LGT and they refused.
8. The Twp. is planning to create formal Welcome to LGT signage on the stone walls (such as at Bethlehem Pike & Penlynn Pike) at 63 & 309 and they also mentioned somewhere else at Rt. 63.
9. Gwy. Knoll neighbors received full copies of the landscape plans to review.
10. Penndot expressed reservations that any landscaping along the sections of the red wall where there is narrow spacing, would survive due to all the road salt that will be pushed onto that area when they plow in the winter.
11. The LGT landscape maintenance guy said he'd recommend shrubs that could be placed at the red wall that he feels could/would survive and which we could pay for.
12. Bill Wanger is going to work with this Twp. employee to develop suggestions and then contact landscapers to see what it would cost.
13. Twp. suggested that we form a Neighborhood Assn., however, many neighborhood reps at the meeting expressed concerns that with over 190 homes, it would be very difficult at this  juncture to get a unanimous vote.
14. Penndot said that we could plant additional shrubs/trees along the walls and would not object. We would have to notify them that we would do this so that their maintenance crews would not weed-wack it.
15. Key to any of the above ideas will be that everyone in the neighborhood needs to contribute to the landscaping collection each year. This is totally up to each homeowner, however, we cannot do this landscaping ourselves due to the dangerous location on 202 and thus need to  use a professional  landscape firm.
16. Many of the neighbors who attended the meeting came away feeling that the Twp. did nothing to help the neighborhood. We felt that the only reason the new shrubs were planted at Hancock was because of this meeting. We do not know for sure though. LGT Supervisors in attendance were Kathleen Hunsicker, Steven Paccione & Mr. Booth. The latter two are running for re-election so when you go to vote tomorrow...think about all the help and support they have given to us!!!
What do you all think about this? We need to get feedback and if others who attended this meeting want to add additional information or personal impressions of the meeting, please chime in.

On Nov 5, 2013, at 7:47 AM, "Mary Judith. Masiak" <> wrote:

Hi to all,
   I would still like to soften our entryway. Thoughts I had in addition to more shrubs is permission to paint the guard rails just at our entryway black with matching black signs on the walls reading Gwynedd Knoll. Please give these ideas some thought. Thanks, Judy 




Sunday, November 3, 2013

neighborhood news - meetings Monday!

Dear neighbors,
This is your reminder that the meeting with the township regarding the 202 entryway issues is tomorrow, Monday, at 9:00 am at the LG township building. There are several people set to attend - please feel free to join them if you wish. You can email Gwen Douse with any questions at

The second meeting is at my house at 7:30 pm on Monday. We need to replace our treasurer and myself as chief communicator because Andrea and I are retiring. This meeting will be for anyone who might be interested in doing those tasks and also for those interested in advising on how we can update/change our communications. We might want to set up a list serve or a blog. I would really like to have lots of input on this...hope you can find time to attend. Please send me an email or text me at 215-872-9958 if you are planning to come...I would like to have some idea of how many will be here. My house is at the corner of Cambridge and Uxbridge - #1421. Feel free to park in the  circular drive.

In addition, please read below about a food drive that the Kane children are doing. You may have received a paper flyer in your mailbox already. Great project! Kudos to the Kane family. (:
Thank you,

Carol Pfister

Hi Carol!  My children are running a food drive.  They are hoping to collect donations from neighbors as well as dig into their own pockets to help others.  Can you please send an email out with the food drive info?  My children will be handing out their flyers today. 
Thank you for your help!
Casey Kane

Dear Families of Gwynedd Knoll,  
Thanksgiving is just around the corner.  We would like to help families in our
community who are hungry.   Please consider donating food items. 
All of your donations will be going to the "Community Cupboard."  We will be collecting donations on
Thursday, Nov. 7th between the hours of 4-6.  Please place a bag with donations outside, so we can collect them.  If this time does not work for you, please email us at or call 215-616-2474 to make other arrangements.
Wish List:
Turkey (please email to arrange pickup)
Turkey Voucher
Canned Goods: Tuna, Potatoes, Mixed Veggies, corn, cranberry sauce, soup, etc
Turkey Gravy
Canned Pasta sauce
Boxed pasta and boxed cereal
Macaroni and cheese
Pudding cups and juice boxes
Box stuffing (any flavor)
Pancake mix

Thank you for your help!
Alex and Tucker Kane
1609 Claudia Way

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

neighborhood news - alert!

Dear neighbors,
I am writing to report another car break in - this time the cars were locked with alarms on! Please be alert to activity in the neighborhood and report anything suspicious. And don't leave any valuables in your car! See Gwen's note below.

Carol Pfister

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Gwen Douse <>
Date: Tue, Oct 29, 2013 at 8:25 AM
Subject: Re: neighborhood news
To: Gwynedd Knoll Garden Club <>

2 cars in our driveway on Claudia Way were broken into last night-vandals managed to by-pass locks and alarms that were on! Police said at least 2 other cars that they knew of this morning had been vandalized last night and one woman's pocketbook that had been gone through was found laying on the street on Turnbury. 
Please let neighbors know not to leave valuables in their cars.
Thank you!

Monday, October 28, 2013

neighborhood news

Dear neighbors,
Don't forget the party for Halloween this year is at 5:30 before you go out trick or treating! You must rsvp if you would like to eat pizza with the crowd. The price is $5 per kid and $12 per family if parents want pizza too. (: Please see the note below for details.

I also want to remind you of the two important meetings about neighborhood issues taking place next Monday, Nov 4. The first is at 9 am at the LG township building to discuss the 202 entryway issues. Please rsvp to Gwen Douse at if you are interested in attending. There are several people going as of now...thank you for helping out!

The second meeting is at my house at 7:30 pm on Nov 4. We need to replace our treasurer and myself as chief communicator because Andrea and I are retiring. This meeting will be for anyone who might be interested in doing those tasks and also for those interested in advising on how we can update/change our communications. I would really like to have lots of input on this...hope you can find time to attend.
Thank you,

Carol Pfister

You're invited to:
Gwynedd Knoll's
Halloween Pizza Party!
When: October 31, 2013 (before you go
out Trick-or-Treating)
5:30 p.m.
Where: In front of 1267 Turnbury Lane
What: Enjoy pizza with your neighbors
before setting off to Trick-or-Treat. 
Come in costume. 
Please RSVP no later than 10/24/13
to Fran – or
Penny -
Cost: $5 per child (will get you pizza, a
drink and some goodies) We must have a
count so we can order enough pizza. If you
do not RSVP, we may not have pizza for
your child

Sunday, October 20, 2013

neighborhood news #2

I've been meaning to ask your help in finding some lost email addresses for neighbors. I have been getting these emails back for awhile...if you know these people, would you please let me know if they have moved or ask them to let me know their new emails? Got to get this list cleaned up before I retire! (: Thank you for your help!
Colleen McHorney
Diane Newman
Joy Yi
Linda Lion
Joan Brady
Susan Gero

Carol Pfister

neighborhood news - retirement!

Dear neighbors,

I just checked our Gwynedd Knoll gmail account...we started using it in October of 2007...that is 6 years ago! I have been the facilitator for the email list since then. It has become a very useful tool for the neighborhood. Before that I coordinated the progressive dinner for many years and helped start the Gwynedd Knoll garden club - our original communication too. I believe it is time for a change...time for me to retire, time for someone else to take over as coordinator, and time for us to look at perhaps a new way to do this communication. Technology has changed so much in the last few years especially...I'm wondering if an interactive blog or Facebook type page might be more appropriate for our needs when there are issues in the 'hood. There is a blog page set up currently but we do not use it for posting or any conversation. When issues like the 202 entryways come up, it would be great to just be able to post your thoughts and get responses without a coordinator having to pass them on. Maintaining the email listing will be necessary in addition.

Andrea Daeubler would also like to retire as our treasurer...she has served for the same amount of time as I have. She  has organized neighborhood collections and worked with landscapers for the planting of the entryways several times. We should all be very thankful for her work! She has more and more demands in her work as an executive downtown so is ready to hand the treasurer duties over to someone else. We can discuss if that needs to be handled differently too because even with the more permanent plantings continued future contributions will be needed for upkeep, such as annual mulching. We have maintained a checking account for many years, but we need to add to the balance for the Spring 2014 maintenance and beyond. Please come to the meeting to make your thoughts known!


I am therefore calling a meeting for Monday, November 4 at 7:30 pm at my house. I would like anyone to attend who has an interest in advising on this transition and of course, anyone who would like to take over as coordinator! All you techies out there who use the new media, please come and help. Don't you want to add web master or blog master or community organizer to your resume? (:  I have really enjoyed connecting people within the 'hood and passing on information - you can too! We need another treasurer...please help out if that is your gift.

Lastly, yes, there is another neighborhood meeting in the morning of November 4 with the township...lucky you can go to two meetings in the 'hood that day! (: Two different topics...all are welcome to both meetings.

Please let me know if you are interested in helping but cannot attend. You can rsvp to me at this email or text me at 215-872-9958...please try to come - the more input, the better!

Thank you,


Carol Pfister

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

neighborhood news: Jewelry Chest

Oops...forgot to put in this note with the others!  Please contact George if you are interested in this piece of furniture.
Carol Pfister

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: George Brady <>
Date: Fri, Oct 11, 2013 at 9:04 AM
Subject: Jewelry Chest
To: "Gwynedd Knoll Garden Club (" <>

As a result of my error in choosing the stain for a solid cherry jewelry chest, I am attempting to sell it. It is brand new. It retailed for over $1,000. If anyone is interested I am offering it at $450.00. The attached photo will give you some idea as to its dimensions in relation to the door it is next to. I can be contacted at 610-291-8685.


George Brady

Vice President - Sales | PDS
610.238.4617 (w) | 610.291-8685 (c)

Connect with us:  Facebook | LinkedIn | PDS


neighborhood news: Halloween

Dear neighbors,
Please see the PDF attached about the Halloween celebration in the neighborhood this year....many thanks to Fran and Ilene and Penny and others who organized it! We will have a different format - a pizza party in costume on Halloween night before you go out trick or treating...what a great idea! I have copied the text of the poster below in case you have trouble downloading it.

Also please see the note about a free trial offered by a personal trainer who is a friend of Ilene. Sounds like a good opportunity.
Thank you,

Carol Pfister

You're invited to:
Gwynedd Knoll's
Halloween Pizza Party!
When: October 31, 2013 (before you go
out Trick-or-Treating)
5:30 p.m.
Where: In front of 1267 Turnbury Lane
What: Enjoy pizza with your neighbors
before setting off to Trick-or-Treat. 
Come in costume. 
Please RSVP no later than 10/24/13
to Fran – or
Penny -
Cost: $5 per child (will get you pizza, a
drink and some goodies) We must have a
count so we can order enough pizza. If you
do not RSVP, we may not have pizza for
your child

Hi Carol,I wanted to pass along information to the neighborhood that you can include in your next newsletter.  My friend/personal trainer is offering a free trial session to new clients.  A few people in the neighborhood had inquired about the service.  Her information is below.  
Thanks so much! Ilene

Kim Marcus Personal Training
Certified Personal Trainer and Exercise Physiologist with a degree from University of Michigan.
Personal Training for over 20 years.
Comes to your house for in-home personal training - brings her own equipment.
Works with men, women, groups as well as teen fitness.
Does nutritional counseling and wellness coaching.
Offering a free trial session for the fall and winter months.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

neighborhood news

Dear neighbors,
Please see two notes below. The first is an invitation to a meeting with the township officials about fixing up our entryways. Thank you to Gwen and Sue and Linda for diligently pursuing a solution. Please respond directly to Gwen if you can attend.

The second note is about an opportunity to learn to play bridge! Great for the brain...please respond to Virginia if you are interested.

Lastly, here is the news on Penelope the cat: (:
She has returned!!! Thanks to everyone who sent me emails about sightings.  She is very happy to be home!

Carol Pfister

Entryway meeting:
Dear neighbors,
A core group of us are confirmed to meet with Larry Comunale, our township manager, on Monday, November 4 at 9:00 am in Caucus room of Lower Gwynedd's township bldg to discuss the landscape situation on 202 along our neighborhood's perimeter. We also requested to see the original landscape plans
From PennDOT of that section. Other officials may be present. Please let me know by the end of next week if you are able to join us by emailing me at
Our size could dictate if we need the larger meeting room.
Thanks very much!
Gwen Douse

Bridge lessons:
Dear Neighbors,

I take intermediate to advanced level Bridge lessons at someone's home in Blue Bell Country Club. She has been teaching for years. It is all but the first Wednesday of the month so usually 3x a month. Cost is $5.00 for two hours. It is usually 1pm to 3pm. The group was larger previously but now we are down to three people and need a fourth, minimum. However, 3-4 tables of players could be accommodated if that many were interested.
There really is zero obligation. If you feel like trying out the group you could come just the once and return only if it interests you. All if us have to cancel at various times so that is not an issue either. It is just a good way of keeping or improving your skills with nice people a few times a month.
If you are interested in knowing more about it please feel free to email me and I will get back to you ASAP.
Virginia Samhouri

Monday, October 7, 2013

neighborhood news lost cat

Please see the picture below of Penelope the cat! She has wandered away from home again....please contact Heather Piccone at hmpiccone  if you see her.

Also - I neglected to pass on the address of Ilene Cantos, who is collecting gently used shoes. You can leave them on the driveway at 1255 Turnbury Lane or call 215-661-8820.


Carol Pfister

Saturday, October 5, 2013

neighborhood news apology

I'm sorry neighbors, I just sent you two copies of the letter with pictures from Gwen by mistake. It was meant to go to the other half of my list! I've made the correction. Enjoy your Saturday!

Carol Pfister

neighborhood news 202 #2

Dear neighbors,
Another note has come in from Gwen regarding the entrances. Please read below her correspondence with the township and respond to her directly if you would like to join in her efforts. The township addresses are listed in the note so you can write to them also.
Thank you,

Carol Pfister
Dear Neighbors,
As many of you may have noticed, sparse, unhealthy looking plants were put in at our 202/Hancock entrance. Unfortunately many now are dead. Please see the email I sent to officials regarding our current situation. It has been a very frustrating experience. Some nice trees have been planted along parts of the sound wall, so hopefully that job will be completed.  We need to keep up our phone calls and emails (addresses below) until  greenery is restored to our area. We are in the heart of planting season.
Thanks so much,
Gwen Douse
From: Gwen Douse
Sent: Friday, October 04, 2013 10:05 PM
Subject: Re: 202 and Gwynedd Knoll
Dear Public and Township Officials,
A few weeks ago some plantings and a few pieces of ivy were planted on the north and south sides of the entrance to Gwynedd Knoll at Hancock and 202. Unfortunately the plants did not look healthy when they were planted and now some of them are dead (pictures 1, 2, and 3). For many, many  months now we have asked for your help in having at least a decent showing of plants at this entrance and along the barren walls. We appreciate that an effort was made, but sadly, as you can see from the result, it did not do much to improve our situation. Pictures 4 and 5 show some lovely landscaping north of us. All along the 202 bypass, in the northern townships, it really is beautiful!
With the little bit left to do on this project, we would GREATLY APPRECIATE if a concerted effort can be made to restore more healthy and lush greenery (we assume those dead plants will also be replaced) to our neck of the woods at our entrance and along the remaining barren sections of sound wall that are adjacent to Gwynedd Knoll. Also if the gravel can be removed from the south side of Hancock and soil  added, then at least ivy (more plentiful) could be used as greenery.
Again your help and support would make a difference in restoring greenery to Lower Gwynedd.
We look forward to your response, help, and support.
Thank you again,
From: Gwen Douse
Sent: Friday, September 06, 2013 11:11 PM
Subject: Re: 202 and Gwynedd Knoll
Dear Kate,
We greatly appreciate your prompt reply. We look forward to the planting and weeding and the PENN DOT'S  relocation plan of plantings so there can be greenery in front of our entrance wall at 202 and Hancock. Hopefully the planting will occur on the earlier side of the fall planting season, before the October frost, so plants have a better chance of survival.
Would it be possible to resend the  attached plan mentioned in the email? I couldn't find it. 
Also  any further help you can offer as liaison between the township and PENN DOT,  in conjunction with PENN DOT's guidelines for planting, to get additional greenery through the township's tree bank at our 202/Hancock entrance and along 202 adjacent to Gwynedd Knoll would be most appreciated!
Thanks again very much to you, PENN DOT and our township officials.
Gwen Douse

Sent: Friday, September 06, 2013 9:42 AM
Subject: 202 and Gwynedd Knoll

Hi, Gwen,

Got your email and asked for help from PENNDOT. Here is their response :


"The subcontractor will return to the project to replace all dead plants and replant the area in front of the walls at Hancock in the near future.  The planting season for most plants according to our specifications is October 15- November 30.  We sometimes allow that window to expand depending on circumstances.  There is a chance that the sub-contractor may be in prior to October 15 but they will definitely return and replace all dead plantings prior to November 30.  Once again, there were no plantings called for in the plans for in front of the wall at Hancock Road but we relocated some from another location (see attached plan).


I directed our contractor to return and cut the "grass" one more time before the maintenance responsibilities get turned over to Penn DOT.  Their subcontractor is very busy, as are they, but I asked them to try to free someone up and get in here.  Unfortunately this is not a top priority for the contractor but I will continue to press him to get in here to cut the grass."


Upon reflection, I do recall them stating that they don't plant until the Fall planting season, so I guess that has not yet arrived. Kate



Kate M. Harper, Esq.
State Representative
61st Legislative District
1515 Dekalb Pike
Blue Bell, PA 19422

Blue Bell: 610-277-3230
HBG: 717-787-2801
fax  Blue Bell 610-270-1677
fax HBG 7171-787-2022
On the web at


The information transmitted is intended only for the person or entity to which it is addressed and may contain confidential and/or privileged material. Any review, retransmission, dissemination or other use of, or taking of any action in reliance upon, this information by persons or entities other than the intended recipient is prohibited. If you received this information in error, please contact the sender and delete the message and material from all computers.

neighborhood news 202 #2

Dear neighbors,
Another note has come in from Gwen regarding the entrances. Please read below her correspondence with the township and respond to her directly if you would like to join in her efforts. The township addresses are listed in the note so you can write to them also.
Thank you,

Carol Pfister

Dear Neighbors,
As many of you may have noticed, sparse, unhealthy looking plants were put in at our 202/Hancock entrance. Unfortunately many now are dead. Please see the email I sent to officials regarding our current situation. It has been a very frustrating experience. Some nice trees have been planted along parts of the sound wall, so hopefully that job will be completed.  We need to keep up our phone calls and emails (addresses below) until  greenery is restored to our area. We are in the heart of planting season.
Thanks so much,
Gwen Douse
From: Gwen Douse
Sent: Friday, October 04, 2013 10:05 PM
Subject: Re: 202 and Gwynedd Knoll
Dear Public and Township Officials,
A few weeks ago some plantings and a few pieces of ivy were planted on the north and south sides of the entrance to Gwynedd Knoll at Hancock and 202. Unfortunately the plants did not look healthy when they were planted and now some of them are dead (pictures 1, 2, and 3). For many, many  months now we have asked for your help in having at least a decent showing of plants at this entrance and along the barren walls. We appreciate that an effort was made, but sadly, as you can see from the result, it did not do much to improve our situation. Pictures 4 and 5 show some lovely landscaping north of us. All along the 202 bypass, in the northern townships, it really is beautiful!
With the little bit left to do on this project, we would GREATLY APPRECIATE if a concerted effort can be made to restore more healthy and lush greenery (we assume those dead plants will also be replaced) to our neck of the woods at our entrance and along the remaining barren sections of sound wall that are adjacent to Gwynedd Knoll. Also if the gravel can be removed from the south side of Hancock and soil  added, then at least ivy (more plentiful) could be used as greenery.
Again your help and support would make a difference in restoring greenery to Lower Gwynedd.
We look forward to your response, help, and support.
Thank you again,
From: Gwen Douse
Sent: Friday, September 06, 2013 11:11 PM
Subject: Re: 202 and Gwynedd Knoll
Dear Kate,
We greatly appreciate your prompt reply. We look forward to the planting and weeding and the PENN DOT'S  relocation plan of plantings so there can be greenery in front of our entrance wall at 202 and Hancock. Hopefully the planting will occur on the earlier side of the fall planting season, before the October frost, so plants have a better chance of survival.
Would it be possible to resend the  attached plan mentioned in the email? I couldn't find it. 
Also  any further help you can offer as liaison between the township and PENN DOT,  in conjunction with PENN DOT's guidelines for planting, to get additional greenery through the township's tree bank at our 202/Hancock entrance and along 202 adjacent to Gwynedd Knoll would be most appreciated!
Thanks again very much to you, PENN DOT and our township officials.
Gwen Douse

Sent: Friday, September 06, 2013 9:42 AM
Subject: 202 and Gwynedd Knoll

Hi, Gwen,

Got your email and asked for help from PENNDOT. Here is their response :


"The subcontractor will return to the project to replace all dead plants and replant the area in front of the walls at Hancock in the near future.  The planting season for most plants according to our specifications is October 15- November 30.  We sometimes allow that window to expand depending on circumstances.  There is a chance that the sub-contractor may be in prior to October 15 but they will definitely return and replace all dead plantings prior to November 30.  Once again, there were no plantings called for in the plans for in front of the wall at Hancock Road but we relocated some from another location (see attached plan).


I directed our contractor to return and cut the "grass" one more time before the maintenance responsibilities get turned over to Penn DOT.  Their subcontractor is very busy, as are they, but I asked them to try to free someone up and get in here.  Unfortunately this is not a top priority for the contractor but I will continue to press him to get in here to cut the grass."


Upon reflection, I do recall them stating that they don't plant until the Fall planting season, so I guess that has not yet arrived. Kate



Kate M. Harper, Esq.
State Representative
61st Legislative District
1515 Dekalb Pike
Blue Bell, PA 19422

Blue Bell: 610-277-3230
HBG: 717-787-2801
fax  Blue Bell 610-270-1677
fax HBG 7171-787-2022
On the web at


The information transmitted is intended only for the person or entity to which it is addressed and may contain confidential and/or privileged material. Any review, retransmission, dissemination or other use of, or taking of any action in reliance upon, this information by persons or entities other than the intended recipient is prohibited. If you received this information in error, please contact the sender and delete the message and material from all computers.

neighborhood news 202

Dear neighbors,
The saga of our neglected entryway on 202 continues. Please see the notes below from another neighbor, Sue Weber. She would like to have the neighbors write to the township officers and push for a solution. Previous notes have been from Gwen Douse. Will you please respond to Sue directly if you are interested in joining her efforts? Her email is You can copy Gwen also at

There are 3 notes below that Sue wrote to Larry Comunale at the township offices. Some of the same material has been shared via previous emails but I think you should get the sense of the development. You can refer to my previous emails (mostly of Gwen's letters) on July 18, July 24, July 31 and Sept 11. (I was on vacation break in August!)

The last note at the bottom is a letter from Larry Comunale dated Oct 4 - yesterday. It does offer some more positive news. This letter from him and the recent one from Kate do seem to offer some hope that plantings will be done for us.

There were a few people who expressed interest in maintaining the "gardens" ourselves again. Perhaps we should wait until this request to the township is done to see if we need to do that. Hopefully we will not!

Thank you,
Carol Pfister

Letter sent July 17 to township

As a 20 year resident of Gwynedd Knoll in Lower Gwynedd, I have been closely following the communications about the impact of the 202 bypass on our community. When we were consulted about the potential traffic issues and the sound barrier wall, I participated in expressing my preferences, assuming our neighborhood's opinions were actually being considered. Feeling discouraged and dismissed by the state and local politicians' lip service involved, I bowed out. It felt like a waste of time.

At this juncture, I feel compelled to speak up again. The once beautiful and welcoming perimeter of our community has been destroyed. The sound barrier along Rt. 202 and Hancock is an eyesore. My neighbors and I never thought we would be surrounded by the ugly, sterile, red wall. We voted on the visual examples of brick supplied by the state and local authorities and were under the impression that the interior and exterior walls would be the same. But it has been completed and we are stuck with it.

However, it is completely unacceptable that we are left without any shrubbery, ivy, or trees to mask or at least soften the impact of that awful looking wall. Driving up the 202 bypass beyond Gwynedd Knoll is impressive. The landscaping is thoughtfully placed and is thriving nicely. Why is our community being left without the same? Why is our community the sole eyesore on the 202 bypass? Why has this entire process been dragged out with a multitude of "continued reviews" and excuses? We represent approximately 190 families, who are your constituents. We voted you into office. It is your obligation to address and remedy this ongoing saga and bring an end to it. We will not give up and accept this situation. We will continue to demand that our community's once beautiful, treed entrance
be landscaped and enhanced as promised by our state and local officials. We want results NOW!

Susan & Andrew Weber
Registered Voters
1625 Claudia Way
North Wales, PA 19454
Lower Gwynedd

Lettter sent September 26, 2013

Dear Mr. Comunale,

I am writing to follow up on your letter acknowledging our concern about the lack of landscaping on Rte 202 adjacent to the Gwynedd Knoll subdivision in Lower Gwynedd. Your letter was dated July 18,2013. Not surprisingly, we have yet to hear anything further of substance from the Lower Gwynedd Board of Supervisors, Kate Harper or a representative from PENNDOT.

The missing GWYNEDD KNOLL entryway signs have yet to be found or replaced. The weeds are growing out of control. Trash has been tossed along the roadside. Nothing has been mowed or maintained and there has been no additional landscaping of any kind put in place. Shame on everyone who is choosing to ignore this eyesore that we, the residents of Gwynedd Knoll, have been left to deal with! It is an embarrassment for us and should be an embarrassment for the township.

If we were looking to purchase a home in Lower Gwynedd, Gwynedd Knoll would out of the running due to the unsightly entrance from Rte 202. Our property values and  potential resale opportunities are bound to be impacted by the neglected entryway and atrocious, neglected 'sound barrier'. One would think that the supervisors of this township would prefer to have such a large community and its perimeter maintain its visual appeal and property values for tax purposes, if for no other reason. Clearly supporting and working toward a solution with the constituents of this community has not been a priority.

It has been suggested that the residents plant and maintain the 202 roadside area along the wall. How ridiculous! Heavy equipment needs to brought in to mow and to dig holes for planting shrubbery and trees. I don't know of any homeowners in our community who have reason to own appropriate equipment, nor are any of us willing to risk  our lives hauling and planting nursery stock along a major highway, even if we did have access to said equipment.

So kindly explain to us how "the township is continuing to work with PennDot to address our concerns." The only explanations we have seen in the insulting correspondence from PennDot and Kate Harper is that "there is no more funding." They clearly have no intention on working with our community at all. So, it seems that the township is stuck with this problem and it is time for some creative problem solving to address the unfinished Rte202 boundary of Lower Gwynedd Township. Our neighborhood's interests have been ignored for far too long. We are anticipating your response.


Susan & Andrew Weber
1625 Claudia Way
Lower Gwynedd

> On Jul 18, 2013, at 3:03 PM, Larry Comunale <> wrote:
> Dear Mr. And Mrs. Weber,
> I wanted to acknowledge receipt of your e-mail.  I know Rep. Kate Harper has responded.  The Township will continue to work with PennDOT to address your concerns.
> Larry Comunale
> Township Manager
> Lower Gwynedd Township

Letter on September 27:

Dear Larry,

I've already heard from one of my neighbors in response to the letter I sent you last night. (We have a neighborhood distribution email for matters of interest.) This individual was furious after passing a work crew just north of Gwynedd Knoll on Rte. 202. The crew was installing more fencing, a new stone bridge and additional shrubs, trees and wildflowers! Where did this money come from?

 Once again it is a blatant insult to the 190 families of Gwynedd Knoll to see the Hancock Rd - Rte 63 stretch of newly installed highway and sound barrier completely ignored while nearby areas are being enhanced. We may not all be in contact with your board of supervisors, but I can assure you that the Gwynedd Knoll Community notices what is happening and they are furious. We would like an explanation. How and why has funding been appropriated to those areas and not to the perimeter of our community? We expect the township to investigate now and to work on our behalf to ensure that we are served justly. Again, we await your reply.

Susan & Andrew Weber
1625 Claudia Way
Lower Gwynedd

Letter received October 4 from township:

From: Larry Comunale <>
Date: October 4, 2013 at 4:52:01 PM EDT
To: Susan Weber <>
Subject: RE: New Plantings????

Mr. and Mrs. Weber:

I am sending this e-mail as a follow-up to your recent e-mails expressing frustration with the landscaping along Route 202.  Your e-mails were forwarded to the Board of Supervisors.  The Township is willing to explore creative approaches to improving the landscaping along Route 202.  Hopefully solutions would include PennDOT, the residents of Gwynedd Knoll and the Towsnhip.

We have asked PennDOT for a list of exactly what is yet to be done along the Lower Gwynedd portion of the project.  We know the contractor had to replant ivy and we are not sure if that has been done.  We were pleased that Representative Harper was able to get PennDOT to place extra plantings at Hancock Road.  I know she has worked diligently on our behalf to try to address everyone's concerns.  On a related matter, no one seems to know what happened to the Gwynedd Knoll signs that were at the entrance.

Relative to your specific question regarding recent plantings, we are told that, other than the wildflowers, this is simply the contractor replacing dead trees that were part of the original contract.  We are told that more replacement planting will occur in the future.

The Township will continue to assist the residents and PennDOT to improve the appearance of this portion of the Township.  While the overall responsibility for landscaping and maintenance rests with PennDOT, the Township is willing to explore ways to make this area more visually pleasing.  For example, this may include some enhancement to the ivy that will eventually cover the sound walls.  

I will share with you the information I am requesting from PennDOT when it is received.  If you and any of your neighbors wish to meet with representatives from the Township, please let me know.   

Larry Comunale
Township Manager

Friday, October 4, 2013

neighborhood news

Dear neighbors,
Please see the thank you note below...thanks to Eva for following up...thanks to all of you who donated! Also see the note below from Ilene about an opportunity to donate used shoes. Thanks for sharing!

Carol Pfister

Would you be able to forward this picture to our neighborhood with the following:

    Thank you so very much for the great donations that were made for Philabundance.  We were able to fill our SUV with food supplies we received from our neighbors in Gwynedd Knoll, E. Meetinghouse and some BB Rotary members. 

I know we are all busy with our lives and it is refreshing that we can take some time to help others.

Philabundance was so happy that they are in our thoughts.

Have a great day.


Eva O'Brien


From Ilene Cantos at

As many of you know, my son, Brendan, hosted a shoe drive as part of his Bar Mitzvah last year.  Through the efforts of many of you, Brendan collected 1,000 pairs of new and gently used shoes for Cradles to Crayons to dole out to needy children in the Philly area.    While we were very pleased with the outcome, as there is so much more to be done, we have decided to make this an annual event.

While there is no pressure to contribute, throughout the Fall, if you are able to do so, please drop off at the top of our driveway any pairs of new or used shoes in decent condition (your own, friends, family, etc) that you would like to donate to C2C.   You can contact me directly if you would rather we pick them up at your house.

Thanks very much for all your help!