Wednesday, November 14, 2012

neighborhood news

Dear neighbors,
Please see the reminder below from Eva about donating canned goods to Philabundance through her...all you have to do is drop them off right in the neighborhood at her house on Cambridge Dr.

Also see the note from Virginia - she is looking for help during her recovery from orthopedic surgery. Please see if you know anyone who would be interested. Contact her directly with names.

Thank you!
Carol Pfister

To Gwynedd Knoll Friends,
Just a reminder to grab a few cans and/or nonperishable food items to donate to Philabundance.  They are in need of food goods to supply several local food resource centers they support. Many people rely on these centers for daily food needs.  You can drop off items at your convenience on Eva O'Brien's back porch at 1424 Cambridge Drive.  We will be collecting through Friday, November 16th.  Thank you so much for your thoughtfulness. Our dream is to have an SUV full of supplies!

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: virginia f samhouri <>
Date: Tue, Nov 13, 2012 at 2:53 PM
Subject: Looking for help in home
To: Gwynedd Knoll Garden Club <>

Dear Carol

Would you be kind enough to send this out to the neighborhood?

I have been having some on going health issues and may be facing Orthopaedic surgery again in the near future. 'I am looking for someone to work for me giving me a hand with the routine care of my house ( I have a cleaning service for the heavy work), laundry, errands, shopping, transportation at times to my appointments etc.  I may need assistance with my personal care for a period of time. This person needs to own a car and be willing and able to shop for and cook simple meals for 2 persons and herself.
Right now to start and until I know more I think a couple of hours 2 or 3 times per week. It may mean a Saturday or Sunday at times.
I would also entertain the possibility of a live-in if it worked for both of us.
I would like a female and would be happy with a honest retired person who wants to stay busy but doesn't want too much work. This person should be in good health and physically fit.
She should like dogs as I have a very tame well trained German Shepherd who is a service dog for me.
The salary would depend on what situation we would agree upon (a few hours a week versus a live in).
I have needed this kind of help a few times over the years and whomever I had was treated very well in my home and was very happy with the money and living conditions ( if live in she would have her own room and bathroom).
I am hoping that in this large neighborhood someone might know of a person like this either through family and friends or through their religious organizations.

Thanks neighbors for reading this long email. If you do not know someone right now perhaps you might in the future. Please feel free to contact me at any time.

Home 215-699-8199
Cell 215-603-8123

Virginia Samhouri
1394 Tanglewood Drive
Sent from my iPhone

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