Friday, November 23, 2012

neighborhood news

Dear neighbors,
Please see the good news below that the 202 parkway will be opening on December 3! Please click on the link in Kate Harper's note that says "see email with images" to see the full announcement.

Happy Thanksgiving to you all!

Carol Pfister

Hi Carol,
Please pass along message from Kate Harper to neighbors. 
Highway opens Dec. 3. Traffic restrictions as PennDOT readies for opening. 
Happy Thanksgiving!!

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Rep. Kate Harper" <>
Date: November 16, 2012 5:32:25 PM EST
Subject: Traffic Alert: December 3 is the Day!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

neighborhood news

Dear neighbors,
Please see the reminder below from Eva about donating canned goods to Philabundance through her...all you have to do is drop them off right in the neighborhood at her house on Cambridge Dr.

Also see the note from Virginia - she is looking for help during her recovery from orthopedic surgery. Please see if you know anyone who would be interested. Contact her directly with names.

Thank you!
Carol Pfister

To Gwynedd Knoll Friends,
Just a reminder to grab a few cans and/or nonperishable food items to donate to Philabundance.  They are in need of food goods to supply several local food resource centers they support. Many people rely on these centers for daily food needs.  You can drop off items at your convenience on Eva O'Brien's back porch at 1424 Cambridge Drive.  We will be collecting through Friday, November 16th.  Thank you so much for your thoughtfulness. Our dream is to have an SUV full of supplies!

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: virginia f samhouri <>
Date: Tue, Nov 13, 2012 at 2:53 PM
Subject: Looking for help in home
To: Gwynedd Knoll Garden Club <>

Dear Carol

Would you be kind enough to send this out to the neighborhood?

I have been having some on going health issues and may be facing Orthopaedic surgery again in the near future. 'I am looking for someone to work for me giving me a hand with the routine care of my house ( I have a cleaning service for the heavy work), laundry, errands, shopping, transportation at times to my appointments etc.  I may need assistance with my personal care for a period of time. This person needs to own a car and be willing and able to shop for and cook simple meals for 2 persons and herself.
Right now to start and until I know more I think a couple of hours 2 or 3 times per week. It may mean a Saturday or Sunday at times.
I would also entertain the possibility of a live-in if it worked for both of us.
I would like a female and would be happy with a honest retired person who wants to stay busy but doesn't want too much work. This person should be in good health and physically fit.
She should like dogs as I have a very tame well trained German Shepherd who is a service dog for me.
The salary would depend on what situation we would agree upon (a few hours a week versus a live in).
I have needed this kind of help a few times over the years and whomever I had was treated very well in my home and was very happy with the money and living conditions ( if live in she would have her own room and bathroom).
I am hoping that in this large neighborhood someone might know of a person like this either through family and friends or through their religious organizations.

Thanks neighbors for reading this long email. If you do not know someone right now perhaps you might in the future. Please feel free to contact me at any time.

Home 215-699-8199
Cell 215-603-8123

Virginia Samhouri
1394 Tanglewood Drive
Sent from my iPhone

Sunday, November 11, 2012

neighborhood news - meeting notes

Dear neighbors,
Attached is a Word doc with the notes from the meeting with the LG township on October 24 regarding 202 sound barrier issues for your information. Many thanks to Andrea and Neil Daubler for getting these notes out and for LInda Callegari's editing. Please address any comments to me at the gk address and I will pass them on to the interested parties. (:
Carol Pfister

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

neighborhood news: Philabundance

Dear neighbors,
Sorry...I forgot to add this to my other note just now!

My good neighbor, Eva O'Brien and friend Debbie, over here on Cambridge drive is collecting donations to Philabundance downtown. Please see the note below for items needed. She has made it easy for you....all you have to do is drop off donations on her back porch. I hope you can find the time. Please share this request with anyone else who might be interested.

Carol Pfister

Dear Friends,
We are all aware of the numerous people suffering from damage or loss of belongings and homes due to Hurricane Sandy.  Thankfully there are various groups asking for monetary donations to aid those who have been affected up and down the coast and inland.
We have been informed that Philabundance located in Philadelphia is in dire need of nonperishable goods.  They supply many food resource banks in the city and beyond, even the Mattie Dixon Food Cupboard in Ambler.  I contacted the Mattie Dixon Cupboard and they are well-stocked at this time.  A food resource center in Philadelphia had to shut down last week due to a lack of food donations. Eva O'Brien and I would like to help them out by collecting nonperishable food items and delivering them to Philabundance.  If you feel like lending a hand to this great organization on which so many people depend, please donate a few items.  Philabundance suggests canned tuna, macaroni and cheese, canned pasta, canned beef stew, canned chili, creamy peanut butter, jelly, canned green beans, canned corn, breakfast cereal and hot cereal.
We would like to deliver the food goods on November 16th.  You may drop off any items on Eva O'Brien's back porch at 1424 Cambridge Drive.  If you have any questions, feel free to call me at 215-542-2398.
Thank you,
Debbie Beardsley
Eva O'Brien

neighborhood news - roofing

Dear neighbors,
Did you see all the big oak trees ripped up at the corner of Meetinghouse Road and 202 when you went to vote? Wow...looks like a tornado went through there!

Please see the note below from a neighbor who would like to have Joyland roofing make the trip out from Lancaster for an estimate to repair. They have done a lot of good work in the neighborhood in the past. If you are also interested in an estimate, please respond to Eunhee directly at

Carol Pfister

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Eunhee Hwang <>
Date: Tue, Nov 6, 2012 at 10:41 AM
Subject: Joyland roofing
To: Gwynedd Knoll Garden Club <>

Hi Carol,
I'm Eunhee in 1369 Tanglewood.  We experienced a roof damage during the storm and would like to have Joyland roofing from Lancaster to take a look.  Joyland did several roofs in our neighborhood.  I would like to know if there are other neighbors who want Joyland.  In that case, it would be worthwhile for them to come out all the way here from Lancaster.  Any neighbors can send me an email so that I can arrange the details.

Friday, November 2, 2012

neighborhood news

Dear neighbors,
It feels good to be connected again, doesn't it? Our Comcast services finally turned on yesterday (Thursday). Lamplighter Lane next to me regained its power then too...maybe that was related. Please read the note below from Graham who found there may be some compensation from Comcast for days lost. There are still people out of power all around town...and so many huge trees down! I had quite a few trick or treaters on Halloween...I'm glad we were able to make that happen.

Please also see the note below that a neighbor is offering free firewood from the trees in their yard if you would like some! Way to go!

Let me know if there is someway the neighborhood can help you...
Take care,

Carol Pfister

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Brazier, Graham <>
Date: Fri, Nov 2, 2012 at 8:56 AM
Subject: RE: neighborhood news - Halloween parade
To: Carol Pfister <>

Hi Carol,


I was just checking to see if the lack of cable (TV/phone/Internet) is just in my home or if our whole neighborhood is out?  Seems odd that we lost power Monday night for 12 hours but are now without cable for going on 3 days.  I called Comcast yesterday and they could give no information (nature of problem, extent of problem, etc) other than cable is down and they are working on it and I was also shocked when I was told that I get no credit for the lost days because Sandy was a natural disaster.  I subsequently sent an email of complaint via and their response is below.  Turns out we do get credit for lost days of service but it may be that we have to formally request it via their website otherwise they might conveniently forget to give it.


Thanks, Graham


Hi Carol -
Thank you for the posts on the Gwynedd Knoll blog. 
We live at 1613 Claudia Way and had 4 trees fall during the storm. 
Instead of sending the wood to the dump, we are in the process of having them cut up into firewood sized pieces.
So could you let the neighborhood know that there is free cherry/oak firewood in front of our home?
Syed and Huma Ahsan