Friday, July 27, 2012

neighborhood news - soundwalls

Please read below a note from Linda who is faithfully following up with our township on landscaping issues for the soundwalls on 202. Many thanks to Linda for her hard work!

Carol Pfister

Carol...Just rec'd a reply to my email to Larry Communale at LGT regarding the planting of Boston Ivy on the sound barriers on 202. I had remembered that a few years ago this was discussed and everyone seemed to like the idea. I had not heard anything about this so I inquired of Penndot and they indicated that they were willing to discuss this with the Township. Larry did the followup with Penndot and emailed me this evening that Penndot landscape contractors would begin planting the ivy in August. Not the best time of the year to plant anything, but I understand that there is a one-year warranty on all planted items.


Additionally, I asked Penndot when they would begin mowing their grass (now weeds) along the sound barriers as it was getting so  high that the dead plantings weren't visible. They indicated that by mistake they had left out this work from the contract and would be rectifying it soon. I also asked Larry C. to check with Penndot as a Township official as it looks so bad.


Please pass this info along to our hood as I'm sure everyone will be thrilled that ivy will soon begin covering those hideous walls!!!! YES!~


Linda Callegari

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