Please see 2 notes below from our neighbor, Donna Palmieri. She has been kind enough to send us a brand new app with Red Cross safety information for your phone, and has a traffic safety neighborhood concern too. Thank you very much , Donna!
Carol Pfister
From: Palmieri, Donna <>
Date: Wed, Jun 13, 2012 at 8:25 AM
Subject: RE: neighborhood news
To: Gwynedd Knoll Garden Club <>
Thank you for the update. I wanted to continue to send out an "alert" regarding the incredible number of cars who drive right through the STOP signs as you get to Hancock road and 202. If we had a police car sitting down here at the end of Hancock road – they would make a fortune issuing tickets and perhaps even help to save a life. Really, NO ONE stops and there have been near miss hits of some of the "walkers" in the neighborhood. My home office looks right at the Stop signs/Hancock Road. It's scary to see the cars and trucks not stop and the number of cars/trucks who come into Hancock Road and then make a turnaround in our driveways or in the middle of the street. Be careful --- when you drive down Hancock Road to exit to 202….the deer are strolling in the street and the cars are coming right at you.
Donna M. Palmieri
Executive Director, Preparedness and Health and Safety Services
American Red Cross
Mid Atlantic Division 6
Neighbors….are you prepared for an emergency…..check out our NEW FREE APP………
This morning, Red Cross, Preparedness, Health and Safety services released a FREE new Red Cross First Aid APP for iPhone and Android smart phone users. We are at #4 and climbing as the most downloaded APP today. Please help to push us to #1 by forwarding this e mail to your contacts. This simple effort could help to save a life!
The free Red Cross First Aid app allows people to have information on what to do for common, everyday first aid emergencies right in their hands. The app is state-of-the-art and contains:
· Prioritized steps to take during an emergency, with 9-1-1 call button;
· Badges to be unlocked through interactive quizzes and sharable via social media;
· Videos and animations to make learning first aid fun and easy;
· Safety and preparedness tips for a range of conditions including severe winter weather, hurricanes, earthquakes and tornadoes.
Please take a moment today to download and rate the app. Pass it on to your friends, colleagues and social media contacts.
Use the links below to download and rate the app or simply search for American Red Cross in the Apple App Store or Google Play on Android.
· Link to First Aid App on Apple App Store:
· Link to First Aid App on Google Play on Android:
Stay safe – add the APP today!
Donna M. Palmieri
Executive Director, Preparedness and Health and Safety Services
American Red Cross
Mid Atlantic Division 6

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