Tuesday, October 4, 2011

neighborhood news - 202

Dear neighbors,
Please see the 3 notes below regarding 3 issues related to the 202 construction in our neighborhood. If you have not been on 202 at Hancock lately, take a drive or walk over...the sound walls are going up and they are BIG! Several neighbors have been corresponding with the township - I have tried to summarize what I have heard below. Please keep me informed if you have information you would like to share. Many thanks to Linda Callegari who continues to speak up and request information and followup on promises for our neighborhood!

Thank you,

Carol Pfister

1. The sound wall appearance: some of the walls have a red brick color and some have a tan color. This note from the township manager explains they will be painted to match - in the red brick color.

From: Craig Mcanally [mailto:cmcanally@lowergwynedd.org]
Sent: Friday, September 30, 2011 4:58 PM
To: Wanger, William; 'mfausto@state.pa.us'
Cc: Larry Comunale
Subject: RE: Route 202/DeKalb Pike Sound Barriers


I left you a message earlier-  What you are calling the 3rd Phase of Sound Walls are being installed and when installed will be painted "in place" to provide uniformity to the entire section.  They will be red brick similar to the previously installed sections as planned. 


Craig T. McAnally

Assistant Township Manager

Lower Gwynedd Township


P- 215-646-5302

F- 215-646-3357


2. The section of 202 from Sumneytown Pike to Hancock is called 65S. It is the only section that will be 2 lanes instead of widened to 4. We have expressed concerns many times over the last few years. This is the latest answer when Linda Callegari asked for the status.

From: "Larry Comunale" <lcomunale@lowergwynedd.org>
To: linda1600@comcast.net
Sent: Thursday, September 29, 2011 4:12:09 PM
Subject: RE: To. 202 Question


A meeting with the Secretary of Transportation is being scheduled this fall, date TBD, to press our case for Section 65S to move forward.  Representatives from impacted municipalities have been invited.  I do not know the ramifications of splitting up the 65S Project as you suggest but we have gotten the same answer when we have suggested that same thing.  It is all about funding.  There is none.  It is also impacting the installation of a traffic signal at 202 and Meetinghouse.   We will keep you posted of any new developments.  I can assure you the Township will continue to stress the importance of completing 65S to our legislators and to PennDOT. 


3. The widening of Welsh Rd and 202, which affects completion of the project and our entryways. PennDot has promised to put plantings at our Hancock entrance when they are done.

Neighbors...I know we are all so tired from the lack of work being done on moving those telephone poles on 202, so I asked my contact to get an update on when we might see some real movement on the project and when we should plan to see our entrance plants put in. I think based upon his response, we have plenty of time to fund raise for new signs so they are ready to go when the plants go in. Hope this helps.

 Linda Callegari

    Claudia Way

Linda - As I suspected, the plantings usually are done toward the end of the project. The area you inquired about should be done the next spring, though some of the final plantings may not be put in until September 2012.


Ah, those persistent poles. I do know that Verizon has been out there moving/splicing the wires which is the first step in getting the poles moved. I checked on the pole status last week, and as of the last schedule update provided by Verizon last week, they have the poles on Welsh being moved by mid-October and the poles on DeKalb moved by the end of the month. If they keep to this schedule, the contractor can get back out there right behind them to finish up the widening on the north side of Welsh and the east side of DeKalb. As I said, the presence of Verizon on the job is a good sign.


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