Tuesday, April 13, 2010

neighborhood news

Dear neighbors,

Whether you are new to Gwynedd Knoll or have been here for many years, you know that unlike the majority
of neighborhoods  in  the area, we have no formal neighborhood association.   However, the cost of maintaining
the entrances is the responsibility of the entire neighborhood, not just those people who live adjacent to them. 
The  results of  last  year's fund drive  allowed us  to have  the entrance  beds addressed  in  the  summer and  fall,
including  the  replacement  of several shrubs. (Thank you!)   This  year,  as  you  have  already seen, we mulched  and  planted
spring flowers and intend to later plant summer and then fall flowers.  Also, in response to the suggestions of a
few  neighbors, we  had  the  ornamental grasses  at Turnbury  and Meetinghouse moved  to  avoid  any  potential
problems with  the visibility of traffic on Meetinghouse.   We will continue to take the approach of sending an
annual invoice to collect the funds needed to ensure that our neighborhood remains desirable and inviting.
Remember,  this  is  an  investment  in  the  value  of your  Gwynedd  Knoll  property!   Thank  you  for  your
The Gwynedd Knoll Garden Club

REMINDER:  The Hancock Road entrance plantings are temporary and minimal at this time because the entire entry will be
re-built as part of the Rte. 202 project.  When complete, the entry will be landscaped with permanent trees and shrubs.

Please see the "invoice" attached for the information on where to send your check. Thank you for your contributions in the past. You are under no obligation to contribute, of course, but any help you can give would be great.

Please stay tuned for updates coming soon on the Hancock entrance - have you noticed the flags and work beginning?
Carol Pfister

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