Friday, April 30, 2010

neighborhood news

Dear neighbors,
I'm writing with sad news this time. Many of you know Boo Crofton - she and her family lived for some time in our neighborhood when it was new. She also served in recent years on the Wissahickon School board. She was a wonderful person. She passed away early today from cancer. I am forwarding the information about her memorial service and opportunities to donate in her name if you are interested.

Thank you,

Carol Pfister

We will hold a memorial service for Boo on Sunday, May 2nd at 7pm. The service will be held at the Gwynedd Friends Meeting House at the intersection of DeKalb Pike (US202) and Sumneytown Pike in Lower Gwynedd, PA.

The service will be followed by a dessert reception at the Meeting House.

In lieu of flowers, Boo asked that you consider making a donation to one of the following charities:

1.) The Boo Crofton Memorial Scholarship Fund

We are establishing a fund that will grant an annual scholarship to a graduating Senior from Wissahickon High School (where Boo served on the School Board and our 3 kids graduated).  Students will be selected based on their efforts to build the Wissahickon community at large.

Donations should be made out to:

Wissahickon School District/Boo Crofton

and sent to:

Wissahickon School District Central Office
500 Knight Road
Ambler PA, 19002

2.) SAGE: Scholarship for Advanced Guyanese Education

SAGE was founded by Molly and her colleagues who volunteered to teach in Guyana (that's South America, NOT Africa). Frustrated by the lack of opportunity for even their best students, they formed this organization to provide scholarships to the National University in Georgetown.  

Donate online at:

or send checks made out to "Scholarship for Advanced Guyanese Education" to

1505 Township Line
Lower Gwynedd PA, 19002

3.) THON:

THON is the largest student-run charity in the world, raising over $7.8M to battle children's cancer this year, and to ease the burden of these diseases on the patients and families.

The students' efforts and the spirit of the children gave Boo inspiration as she participated in the final events in 2010, where Sam completed a 46 hour dance marathon.

To make a donation, go to:
There is a section to identify who the donation is in honor of, and a slot to email notification to us: send to, or


This is an additional idea for those who knew Boo well....  from Molly.    
Subject: [LHH] The BOO memory Project

While I hesitate to ask for even one more favor, I'm often asked by folks what they can do to help - my stock answer is now "Join the Boo Memory project"

In order to preserve as many memories of Boo as we can, we are collecting and organizing them.  We already have a big head start with all the emails that have flooded in over the past year.

If you have a story, a kind word, or a picture that you want to share, please consider adding these to our collection (no flamingos, PLEASE!).

You can participate by:

1. e-mailing to

or 2. mailing to "Boo Memory Project", 1505 Township Line Road, Lower Gwynedd, PA, 19002

or 3. contribute them to this website. add stories to the "Message Board" or photos to the "photo gallery", both accessible from the Home page.

Visit our community site:

Powered by Lotsa Helping Hands

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

neighborhood news

Dear neighbors,
I have several items this time so please read through the whole email. Hope you are enjoying all the colors of spring!

1. Garage sale this weekend! There are 3 homes participating - check out Cambridge Dr. ,  Tanglewood near the corner of Cambridge, and  the cul de sac end of Turnbury. Please come out and shop! Also, if you would like to get your own sale going at the last minute - feel free to put out a sign and see if you get any traffic. We will be publishing the 3 addresses at the sale to encourage buyers to go to all.

2. This neighbor has only one thing to you need a new chandelier? 
 For sale 200.00   Framberg solid brass Williamsburg style  triple arm chandelier suitable for a  two story foyer. Takes the small candelabra bulbs. 24 bulbs in total.    Contact Judy Masiak at 215 699 8843 or

3. Kathy Mignone is looking for someone to come to the house to care for her baby grandson during the day for 2 or 3 days a week. Times are flexible. Please call her at 267-218-4518 if you can help.

4. Thank you to the people who have responded to the request for donations to the entryway fund! Please take the time to mail a check when you can - responding to this email request saves us postage on paper mailings. The entryways are looking great with the pansies, aren't they?

5. Please read the note below from our neighbor, Julia. It has important information about Lyme disease and how it has affected many right in this neighborhood.

Carol Pfister

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <>
Date: Tue, Apr 13, 2010 at 11:03 PM
Subject: can you post to our list?

Hello Carol -- I wanted to ask if you would post the following update on our neighborhood list... sorry it has to be a --not so pleasant-- topic... but I know many people in our neighborhood that have been affected including an 11 yr old girl last year who ended up missing half the year of school, and is now doing much better, and another whose husband had a stroke after a doctor refused to even test him, and then his daughter, a vet, had someone else run tests and he had sky high lyme titers -- the wife is currently filing a law suit against the doctor -- unfortunately it is too common that Lyme gets overlooked and ignored.
Hello Gwynedd Knoll Neighbors:  This is an important FYI -- May is Lyme Disease Awareness Month -- in 2009 PA cases of Lyme increased 113% over 2008, with PA making up 27% of all cases in the US.  And, in PA we went from 70% of our counties reporting Lyme to over 90% - it is spreading dramatically. 
There are many in our neighborhood affected by Lyme, and in fact, we are forever grateful to the neighbor who got us to their friend whose daughter had been very ill,  and then to our doctor who really saved my life. 
Prevention is very important, and early identification and treatment.  Delayed diagnosis and under-treatment can have severe negative consequences making the disease more serious, and more difficult to treat. Knowing how to prevent and how to recognize early symptoms is a must for anyone in our area, especially for those of us with young children and older children playing sports, etc.
I, along with a coalition of families affected by Lyme, worked with our Senator Greenleaf last year to introduce a Lyme bill (SB#1199). It was introduced this January and has moved very quickly -- we've found that many senators have people personally affected by Lyme on their staff, and the committee has asked for a public hearing in Harrisburg - it will be scheduled shortly and we expect it to be in May. 
For anyone interested in this bill, prevention in PA, and in taking action -- see  Please pass this information on to anyone you know who is concerned about Lyme, or personally affected -- they will want to know.
See some quick Lyme facts below along with information links for prevention/symptom recognition:
  • multi-systemic - hits every system, often starts out slow, migrating thru different systems over time, symptoms come and go, and can be in remission erupting months or years later
  • Columbia University study (Columbia University has the first Tick Borne Disease Research Center in the US) found that presenting symptoms in children/youth were actually neuro-cognitive/ psychiatric NOT the typical flu/joint pains, etc.  This means changes in personality, mood swings, irritability, rage, fatigue, even obsessive/compulsive and oppositional behavior, rigidity. Many children with underlying Lyme are misdiagnosed with ADD/ADHD, dyslexia and emotional problems.
  • Additionally, Columbia's Brian Fallon, PHD, found that children/youth affected by Lyme disease posted an average 20 point IQ drop -- our own family found our very bright son's IQ drop 26 points, which was restored with appropriate treatment.
  • For information about impact on children/youth see:
  • For basic information and information to prevent chronic lyme disease see:
  • Information about symptoms and diagnosis can be found at: (see diagnostic tips link)
  • For information about prevention see:
In late April and May, the award-winning documentary film, Under Our Skin, will be showing in several locations in the region -- get informed -- this is a great way with a film that made it to the Oscar's short-list (unheard of for documentary films).  See for more information including screening dates and locations.
Thank you for passing this information on, and if so moved, for taking action...
- Julia Wagner, Tanglewood Drive, .

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

neighborhood news

Dear neighbors,
I forgot to pass on the news about the garage sale coming up in my note yesterday. The sale will be held on Saturday, May 1. So far 5 families have expressed interest. Please let me know if you would like to join the group - there will be a map published with all the houses and advertising costs will be shared. Or if you don't want to sell things, please note the date on your calendar to do your shopping in the neighborhood that day!

Carol Pfister

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

neighborhood news

Dear neighbors,

Whether you are new to Gwynedd Knoll or have been here for many years, you know that unlike the majority
of neighborhoods  in  the area, we have no formal neighborhood association.   However, the cost of maintaining
the entrances is the responsibility of the entire neighborhood, not just those people who live adjacent to them. 
The  results of  last  year's fund drive  allowed us  to have  the entrance  beds addressed  in  the  summer and  fall,
including  the  replacement  of several shrubs. (Thank you!)   This  year,  as  you  have  already seen, we mulched  and  planted
spring flowers and intend to later plant summer and then fall flowers.  Also, in response to the suggestions of a
few  neighbors, we  had  the  ornamental grasses  at Turnbury  and Meetinghouse moved  to  avoid  any  potential
problems with  the visibility of traffic on Meetinghouse.   We will continue to take the approach of sending an
annual invoice to collect the funds needed to ensure that our neighborhood remains desirable and inviting.
Remember,  this  is  an  investment  in  the  value  of your  Gwynedd  Knoll  property!   Thank  you  for  your
The Gwynedd Knoll Garden Club

REMINDER:  The Hancock Road entrance plantings are temporary and minimal at this time because the entire entry will be
re-built as part of the Rte. 202 project.  When complete, the entry will be landscaped with permanent trees and shrubs.

Please see the "invoice" attached for the information on where to send your check. Thank you for your contributions in the past. You are under no obligation to contribute, of course, but any help you can give would be great.

Please stay tuned for updates coming soon on the Hancock entrance - have you noticed the flags and work beginning?
Carol Pfister