Monday, November 11, 2013
neighborhood help groups
Re: Delivery Status Notification (Failure)
Delivery to the following recipient failed permanently:
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Google tried to deliver your message, but it was rejected by the server for the recipient domain by [].
The error that the other server returned was:
554 delivery error: dd This user doesn't have a account ( [-5] -
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Date: Mon, 11 Nov 2013 13:59:15 -0500
Message-ID: <>
Subject: issues with message board(list-serv)
From: Gwynedd Knoll Connects <>
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary=089e0115fb080bb1ea04eaeb541b
So, you will be happy to know that if you are having problems signing in
YOU ARE NOT ALONE. That is the good news. I have figured out that even
though I set Gwynedd Knoll Connects up to accept all accounts, not just
gmail accounts, it is not allowing non-gmail account to sign in.
The only work around is the open a gmail account. Thanks to IIene Cantos
for her help! Please bear with us as the conversion isnt as seamless and I
had hoped it would be for everyone.
So, please register yourself with a gmail account and then you should have
access to the group.
My plan B is to hold a technical meeting after the 1st of the year for
anyone still having issues so hold tight.
Thanks for your patience,
issues with message board(list-serv)
neighborhood news - meeting Tuesday
Carol Pfister
Please let me know if you plan to attend Tuesday's meeting to establish an action plan to address the landscaping issue on our neighborhood's section of route 202. It will be at Sue & Andy Webers', 1625 Claudia Way on November 12 at 7pm. You should have received a prior email about this last week with all of the summaries of last Monday's meeting at the township. Thanks, Sue Weber
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
neighborhood news
From: Susan Weber <>
Date: November 5, 2013 at 1:14:33 PM EST
Subject: Re: Summary of meeting with township
Hello Everyone;After reading Gwen's summary and pondering yesterday's meeting, I would like to suggest that we get together to discuss an alternative action plan. Clearly the state, PennDot, and Lower Gwynedd Township are not interested in addressing our issues on the 202 bypass. I believe we have attempted to communicate our concerns in a reasonable and rationale matter and have only heard excuses why there is nothing that can be done. If we want to see some results, it may be time to plan a more aggressive campaign for the original 202 bypass plan to be completed as promised. Gwen and I spoke this morning and we feel that we have not exhausted all of the avenues that could lead to some more satisfactory results than yesterday's meeting. We have a few ideas to share already.We would like to meet with you to process and to come up with a plan. Please bring your ideas and any concerned neighbors who could not attend Monday morning's meeting. We can meet at my house next Tuesday evening, November 12 at 7pm, assuming enough of you are available that time and date. The address is 1625 Claudia Way. We hope you can attend. Please reply and let me know if you can or cannot attend, so we can be sure to arrange another date if necessary. This is just too important an issue to accept the ongoing "No can do" attitude of our elected officials.Sue Weber1625 Claudia Way215-699-4205Hi Carol,If anyone is looking for a good, local vet that is caring, knowledgeable and very reasonable, I just found a new one in Lansdale. He is Dr. Yang, DVM, PhD. He has only been there 3 or 4 months, so many people don't know about him yet. It is Lansdale Animal Hospital located at 1108 N. Broad Street. Lansdale, PA. 215 855-5545. The office is located on Broad St. about 1mile north of Welsh Road (Main Street) on the left.
My cat was very sick last Saturday afternoon and I was frantically trying to find a "non-emergency" hospital to take her to. When I called Lansdale Animal Hospital, they said to bring her right in and when I did, they saw her and treated her immediately.The office visit was only $35, plus the injections he gave her there and the medications I took home. I left there with a bill for $92. Not only a bargain, but good office hours too. 9 -7 Mon-Thurs, 9-6 on Fridays and 9-5 on Saturdays.Please let the neighborhood know.Thanks!Bridget JonesClaudia Way
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
neighborhood news - meeting notes
From Gwen Douse:
Dear Neighbors,
A representative group of Gwynedd Knoll residents met today with township officials, Board of Supervisor members and Penn Dot officials on Monday to discuss the landscape situation and related issues along our stretch of 202. We distributed our agenda of talking point as well as pictures that clearly showed our lack of greenery, as well as the beautiful landscaping of our northern neighbors above 63 along the 202 bypass. Unfortunately it was a frustrating meeting. The township said they can't plant any additional shrubs along the barren remainder of the sound wall because the land is owned by the state. The state said that due to funding, they will only plant an additional 35 ivy plantings (barely enough to make much of an impact) which should reach maturity in the next few years.
We discussed how important greenery historically has been to the township. Although we were reminded of the many trail systems there are in the township,( mainly in the Gwynedd Valley area), we responded that although these trails are nice, unfortunately, this doesn't solve our problem of lack of greenery in our section of the township. Also, as a major thoroughfare, it is an eyesore and far inferior to our northern neighbors. We did get to review the landscaping plan that originally was to be implemented before we were told that funding was cut. This plan had been well done, and it did show shrubs along the entire length of our section of 202. Had it been implemented, it would have been a huge improvement; currently our landscaping from Hancock going north abruptly stops to match the historic farm across the street.
Neighbors offered several solutions including:
- The township should ask the state for special permission that would allow them to plant on this state owned land (although the township said they don't want to start this precedent, we responded that there are few other areas where this needs to be done and it shows a continued effort to maintaining greenery in our township).
- Remove a collection of shrubs from each of the many retention basins and where there are double rows of shrubs in the area where they do not have as much impact and plant them at the north and south Hancock entrance to Gwynedd Knoll and along our sound wall, a major artery for our region
- Although we were told we are limited on the types of plants that can be used along this stretch due to salt used in winter, rocky soil and limited space, it was confirmed that some hardy shrubs could be used in addition to the ivy that would provide better coverage-we request that only Boston Ivy be used and that a much greater number of ivy be planted than the 35 plants planned, as well as these additional hardy shrubs.
- Neighbor Bill Wenger offered to find out how much it would cost to finish the landscape plan. Perhaps a consortium can be formed that consists of state/township officials, Gwynedd Knoll residents, and local businesses to raise public and private funds for this landscape project.
Many reasons were given why this project will be left incomplete. Please write to the email addresses below and let our public and elected officials that in this time of budget cuts it is more essential than ever for creative thinking and a can do attitude so we can find solutions to rightfully complete this very important landscape project.
Thank you,
Gwen Douse
Kate Harper
Larry Comunale
Board of Supervisors

On Nov 5, 2013, at 7:47 AM, "Mary Judith. Masiak" <> wrote:
Hi to all,I would still like to soften our entryway. Thoughts I had in addition to more shrubs is permission to paint the guard rails just at our entryway black with matching black signs on the walls reading Gwynedd Knoll. Please give these ideas some thought. Thanks, Judy
Sunday, November 3, 2013
neighborhood news - meetings Monday!
The second meeting is at my house at 7:30 pm on Monday. We need to replace our treasurer and myself as chief communicator because Andrea and I are retiring. This meeting will be for anyone who might be interested in doing those tasks and also for those interested in advising on how we can update/change our communications. We might want to set up a list serve or a blog. I would really like to have lots of input on this...hope you can find time to attend. Please send me an email or text me at 215-872-9958 if you are planning to come...I would like to have some idea of how many will be here. My house is at the corner of Cambridge and Uxbridge - #1421. Feel free to park in the circular drive.
In addition, please read below about a food drive that the Kane children are doing. You may have received a paper flyer in your mailbox already. Great project! Kudos to the Kane family. (:
Thank you,
Hi Carol! My children are running a food drive. They are hoping to collect donations from neighbors as well as dig into their own pockets to help others. Can you please send an email out with the food drive info? My children will be handing out their flyers today.
Thank you for your help!
Casey Kane
Dear Families of Gwynedd Knoll,
Thanksgiving is just around the corner. We would like to help families in our
community who are hungry. Please consider donating food items.
All of your donations will be going to the "Community Cupboard." We will be collecting donations on
Thursday, Nov. 7th between the hours of 4-6. Please place a bag with donations outside, so we can collect them. If this time does not work for you, please email us at or call 215-616-2474 to make other arrangements.
Wish List:
Turkey (please email to arrange pickup)
Turkey Voucher
Canned Goods: Tuna, Potatoes, Mixed Veggies, corn, cranberry sauce, soup, etc
Turkey Gravy
Canned Pasta sauce
Boxed pasta and boxed cereal
Macaroni and cheese
Pudding cups and juice boxes
Box stuffing (any flavor)
Pancake mix
Thank you for your help!
Alex and Tucker Kane
1609 Claudia Way