Thursday, June 20, 2013

neighborhood news - recycling

Dear neighbors,
Please see the attached document about a Hazardous Waste recycling opportunity this Saturday at Temple Ambler. Good chance to get rid of that nasty stuff hiding in your garage! The poster tells you what you can and cannot bring.

There is also Electronic Recycling At Montco Community College on Sat. June 29 - next week.

Hope you find these helpful.
Happy summertime!
Carol Pfister

Hazardous Recycling at Temple Amber Campus on June 22

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

neighborhood news

Dear neighbors,
Please see the update on the landscaping of 202 below...weeding is going to happen!

Carol Pfister

Dear neighbors,
Please see below from Kate Harper's assistant, a message sent from Brian Early, Penn DOT representative. Weeding will take place on Thursday along our stretch of 202 with special attention to Hancock entrance (our pictures did pay off!). No starting date for the ivy replacement that will occur as a result of ivy that was ripped out by the maintenance crew previously.
We have made a step in the right direction, but this is just a start. The attractive landscaping plan for our entrance and along the sound walls that was shown to us at one of our township meetings, then subsequently cut due to cut in budget, must be reinstated. We once had a lovely entrance at Hancock. Our entrance area shrubs and flowers were ripped out by Penn DOT when the highway was constructed. There were beautiful trees along 202 adjacent to Gwynedd Knoll which are now also gone due to that construction.  For the benefit of aesthetics to our neighborhood and passing motorists, as well as real estate value since first impressions do count when prospective buyers enter our neighborhood to look at a house, we must continue our efforts to restore the budget for landscaping.  The township and our elected officials need to take up our cause, just as seems to be evident in the lovely greenery and pathways along 202 bypass in the northern townships. I do agree with one neighbor's comment that our township officials' support would also make a difference. We were told in the fall about the possibility of the township using the township's tree bank, as well as a promise by the township that contact would be made to Rhoads Garden Center (possibly other local nurseries) for their help in supplementing the landscaping. No further information has been sent to date concerning these suggestions.
The more who make this continued effort to restore the landscaping plan at our Hancock entrance and along our stretch of 202, the louder our voices will be heard.  Again below are the email addresses for these individuals who we need to contact for their support.
Thank you,
Gwen Douse
Lower Gwynedd Board of Supervisors
Township Manager-Larry Comunale
Brian Early/Penn DOT Rep
State Rep. and Penn DOT Liaison-Kate Harper
State Senator Stewart Greenleaf


From: Kathy Ruschi
Sent: Tuesday, June 11, 2013 2:38 PM
Cc: Kate Harper
Subject: Maintenance update

Good Afternoon –

 Rep Harper just heard back from PA DOT and will continue to work with Brian Early to ensure that the Ivy is planted as planned.


From Brian Early:


PENN DOT will have people out on Thursday (weather dependent) to cut and weeding along the entire project area.  They were told to pay special attention to the Hancock Road area.


As for the ivy – their landscaper informed them that it is out of season to plant the ivy.  They are discussing if it will be detrimental to plant now – they will get back to us with an answer asap.




Kathy Rusch

District Office Manager

Rep. Kate M. Harper, Esq.


610-270-1677 (FAX)


The information transmitted is intended only for the person or entity to which it is addressed and may contain confidential and/or privileged material. Any review, retransmission, dissemination or other use of, or taking of any action in reliance upon, this information by persons or entities other than the intended recipient is prohibited. If you received this information in error, please contact the sender and delete the message and material from all computers.

Monday, June 10, 2013

neighborhood news

Dear neighbors,
I have received a couple of letters similar to the one below, suggesting taking pictures of the offending landscaping and sending them to the LG board and Kate Harper's office. Please go ahead and use your smartphone camera and send off a note if you are interested!

Please also see the notes below asking for Girl Scout manuals and tree pruners.

Thank you - hope your basements are staying dry in all this rain!

Carol Pfister

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Judith Lipson <>
Date: Tue, Jun 4, 2013 at 11:01 AM
Subject: Re: neighborhood news
To: Gwynedd Knoll Garden Club <>

I suggest taking several photos of the areas of concern and sending them to Lower Gwynedd Township and Kate Harper, The entrance to Gwynedd Knoll at Hancock is the worst of the areas. It contains a disposed tire rim! I do not have the equipment to take the photos. "A picture is worth a thousand words".

Until the situation is resolved, it will be necessary to continue communicating with the state representatives and the township. I believe the Township plays a critical role in any resolution.

David Kunin

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <>
Date: Jun 8, 2013 10:24 AM
Subject: Girl Scout Books Needed

I would appreciate borrowing the following Girl Scout books to use in creating activities & programs for Girl Scouts at my workplace, Pennypacker Mills: Daisies, Brownies, Cadettes, and Seniors. I would be happy to pick them  up from families and return them within a week. My email is or cell 215-206-0130.

Much thanks!

Linda Callegari

I was wondering if anyone knows of a decent tree pruner whose prices are not sky high?
Virginia Samhouri

Monday, June 3, 2013

neighborhood news

Dear neighbors,
I received three notes below for you all to review. Several neighbors did write to Kate Harper about the 202 landscaping. She is posting a response from Kate and more. Please read and decide whether you want to take more action. Many thanks to those who have spoken up!

Secondly, this quick note from Jo-Anne Ward:
My son, Nicholas, just graduated from La Salle College High School and is looking for work.If anyone needs a babysitter, dog sitter, gardener, errand runner, etc, give him a call. Nicholas Ward 215-661-1303

Lastly, see the bottom note about a college application help company highly recommended.

Congrats to all the high school grads in the neighborhood!!

Carol Pfister

Dear neighbors,
Below is my response to the attached letter sent by Kate Harper, our representative. I find it unacceptable the way this highway has been left to us. Proceeding north of 63, the highway is beautiful, filled with lovely greenery, as well as nicely maintained. At our end, we literally and figuratively just hit a brick wall that is full of weeds, gravel, and sparse plantings lined along it. Now we are told there is no budget for us, yet the rest of the highway looks splendid. This situation affects us all. It is a deplorable entrance to our beautiful neighborhood and a black eye to our township.  At this point, I would appreciate a dialogue through this neighbor email on suggestions on how to proceed. We need to unite to solve this neighborhood problem. Petition? Meeting? All ideas are greatly appreciated!
Thanks so much!
Best wishes,
Gwen Douse


Dear Kate,
We thank you for you help with the 202 highway. Travelling on it north of 63
it is beautiful-lined with greenery, bike paths, maintained gardens. Once
you cross over 63 on the Lower Gwynedd side, we literally meet that brick
wall. There are weeds and very few shrubs. It saddens me what an eyesore it
is. Neighbors, lacking professional experience with highway landscaping,
trying to maintain that small strip along the wall could become involved in
a potentially dangerous situation.
Mr. Comunale had agreed to contact Rhoads garden center and consider the use
of township trees. We look forward to information about that. We greatly
appreciate your help and support, as well as Senator Greenleaf's, as our
elected representatives, in restoring the ivy lost as well as helping to
find the funds moving forward to restore the natural beauty to this section
of 202.
Thank you very much!
Best wishes,
Gwen Douse

-----Original Message----- From: Kathy Rusch
Sent: Tuesday, May 28, 2013 12:38 PM
To: ; ; ; ; ;
Cc: ; ; ; Kate Harper
Subject: From Representative Harper

Good Afternoon

Representative Harper wanted to be sure to get back to each of you and provide as much complete information as possible.  Please see her correspondence attached.  (Bottom of this note)


Kathy Rusch

College application help:
I got this note awhile ago from Julia recommending this company and a seminar they had at the library. Unfortunately that date has passed - my apologies - but you can contact the company at this website: See Julia's note below:

Hi Carol - the son of a friend of mine founded this company a few years back, and they do excellent work in college planning and prep.  My sister worked with Ivy for her daughter who goes to college next year, and he was very helpful - she is getting a free ride at the college of her choice!
This is a local event at the North Wales library, and I highly recommend The Ivy Experience to our neighbors.  For those with kids nearing that college planning stage, this would be a good jump start.  Thank goodness mine are still far away from that!
 Julia Wagner