Saturday, September 25, 2010
neighborhood news
I have two news items for you this time...and no traffic alerts! (: The first is a request for help and the other is a recommendation for a painter if you are interested. (see below).
We need a new coordinator for the annual Halloween parade. Trudy has organized the parade for several years and is ready to "pass on the baton" this year. It would be great to have a mom of young children volunteer so that you will have family that is interested in participating for at least a few years. Unless maybe we have a grandmother who would like to coordinate? (: Trudy will be glad to share her tips and advice on organizing the parade. It has always been fun to provide this activity for the kids...please consider volunteering.
On the subject of the parade this year...I recieved a note that there will be a new family event on October 24 at LG school. This would normally be the date for the parade here. Would you please let me know if having the parade on an alternate date would work for you? Perhaps Saturday the 24th in late afternoon or how about on Halloween, Sunday the 31st so you could parade before trick or treating? Looking forward to your feedback.
Thank you,
Carol Pfister
I have a new name for our contractor list - a painter and I must say, of all those we have used over the years, he is by far the best. Meticulous, thorough, and very easy to have around. And, his crew are all terrific, too. His name is Bill Spurlin - (William Spurlin Painting, Phone #215-852-1710.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
neighborhood news traffic alert
Daytime Single Lane Conditions on Route 202 in Upper Gwynedd and Lower Gwynedd Townships
Stoppages of up to 15 minutes also possible on Route 63
KING OF PRUSSIA –Route 202 (DeKalb Pike) in Upper and Lower Gwynedd townships, Montgomery County, will be limited to a single lane of traffic between Sumneytown Pike and Route 63 (Welsh Road) next week (Sept. 20-24) during the mid-day hours for continuing construction to widen the highway to five lanes, the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation said today.
Flaggers will direct an alternating single lane of northbound or southbound traffic through the work area Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Significant delays are likely during these construction activities to install utilities beneath Route 202 (DeKalb Pike).
Drivers in that area also may continue to encounter delays during periodic stoppages of up to 15 minutes on Route 63 (Welsh Road) between Stump Road and Route 202 (DeKalb Pike) Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. for utility construction for the widening of Route 63 where it will intersect with the new Route 202 Parkway.
Motorists are advised to add extra time for travel through the work area, or to avoid the area if possible during construction.
This work is part of the $17.7 million project to widen and improve two miles of Route 202 (DeKalb Pike) from Swedesford Road to Route 309, and to connect Route 202 (DeKalb Pike) with the new Route 202 Parkway, which also is under construction.
All planned operations are weather permitting.
For more information, please visit
PennDOT reminds motorists they can log on to or call 511 from any phone to check traffic conditions on major highways before heading out.
Dear Neighbors,
With fall fast approaching, I thought I'd pass along some great family-fun opportunities that are being offered at Pennypacker Mills. The Mills is a Montgomery County historic site just off of Rt. 73 a few miles west of Skippack, so about 30 mins. away. All these programs are absolutely FREE and are appropriate for all ages. Why not take advantage of the tax dollars you pay Montgomery County and get some of the benefits!
Storytelling: George Washington and the General's Dog
Sat., Oct. 2 @ 1 pm
Hear a Revolutionary War tale, written for young children, of how a British General's dog became lost and ended up in General Washington's camp at Pennypacker Mills after the Battle of Germantown in October 1777. This fascinating, true story gives us insight into Washington's honesty and the relationship these two warring military commanders had. We will also have Revolutionary War artifacts that were left behind by Washington's troops on display and will take a walk on the property to visit the grave of one of his officers who had been wounded at Germantown and later died at the Mills.
Haunting Stories by the Bonfire!
Sat., Oct. 2 @ 7 pm
Bring lawn chairs or a blanket to sit on as our storyteller takes you back in time. Hear stories collected from the memories of local townspeople in the Perkiomen Valley when Samuel Pennypacker, then Governor of Pennsylvania, wrote many of them down as a way to preserve the oral history of the Valley. "Haunting Stories by the Bonfire" tells of everyday people who experienced haunting stories of ghosts, strange illnesses, accidents, and other phenomena. Our storyteller will spin his stories by the light of the bonfire with the crackling of the flames and the rustling of the trees in the night air.
All Hallow's Eve Fall Festival
Sat., Oct. 16 1 to 4 pm
Bring the family to Pennypacker Mills for an old-fashioned fall festival. Take a tractor-pulled hayride through the meadow and see the beautiful fall colors in the trees, pick you favorite pumpkin and paint a face on it, make several make-it, take-it fall kid crafts, do gravestone rubbing, play bean bag toss, jump in our haypile, and wear your Halloween costume an extra day this year. Try your hand at shucking corn the way farmers did one-hundred years ago. By plucking off the dry corn kernals from the cob, they made feed for the chickens. Making apple cider was a two-step process and you can do both! First, toss apples into the shredder and make a mash. Then, press the mash until the juice runs out and makes cider! Free refreshments are available and no, we don't serve the homemade cider!
Any questions, please contact Pennypacker Mills at 610-287-9349.
Address: 5 Haldeman Road, Schwenksville, PA 19473
Linda Callegari
Claudia Way
Saturday, September 11, 2010
neighborhood news traffic alert
There will be work happening on 202 on this Monday night so beware! Also the "porkchop" will be constructed so please read about the restrictions on turning off and into Hancock that will mean. Note this is a temporary measure expected to be in place until mid year 2011. Hopefully you will notice a great reduction in traffic through the neighborhood!
Thank you,
Carol Pfister
News for Immediate Release
Sept. 9, 2010
Intermittent Nighttime Travel Restrictions on Route 202 in Upper Gwynedd and Lower Gwynedd Townships for Traffic Pattern ChangeCrews to restripe Route 202 at Hancock Road Monday Night to Install New Traffic Pattern for Road Widening
King of Prussia – Motorists traveling on Route 202 (DeKalb Pike) in Upper and Lower Gwynedd townships, Montgomery County, will encounter intermittent travel restrictions from 7 p.m. Monday (Sept. 13) to 6 a.m. Tuesday (Sept. 14) as crews establish a new traffic pattern that will include temporary turning restrictions at the intersection with Hancock Road at the entrance to Gwynedd Knoll, the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) announced today.
Periodic slowdowns and brief traffic stoppages may occur during the overnight operation on Route 202 (DeKalb Pike) between Sumneytown Pike and Route 63 (Welsh Road) for the removal of existing traffic lines, painting of new lines, and other activities related to instituting a traffic pattern change.
The planned activities are weather dependent and may be postponed until the following evening in the event of rain.
The pattern change will shift Route 202's two travel lanes two feet to the west and establish temporary "right turn in, right turn out" restrictions at the intersection with Hancock Road at the entrance to the Gwynedd Knoll development on the east side of Route 202 (DeKalb Pike). Once the new pattern is in place Tuesday morning (Sept. 14), motorists will be allowed to make right turns only from northbound Route 202 (DeKalb Pike) onto eastbound Hancock Road, and from westbound Hancock Road onto northbound Route 202 (DeKalb Pike).
Left turns from westbound Hancock Road onto southbound Route 202 (DeKalb Pike) and from southbound Route 202 (DeKalb Pike) onto eastbound Hancock Road will be prohibited under the new pattern.
Eastbound Hancock Road motorists approaching Route 202 (DeKalb Pike) will only be permitted to turn left or right onto Route 202 (DeKalb Pike). Eastbound Hancock Road motorists will not be permitted to cross over and enter Hancock Road on the east side of the highway. Turns from Route 202 (DeKalb Pike) north or south onto westbound Hancock Road will not be affected by the traffic pattern change.
The turning restrictions will remain in place until mid-2011 to allow crews to construct the next phase of widening on Route 202 (DeKalb Pike), which includes reconstruction of Route 202's (DeKalb Pike) intersection with Hancock Road on the east side of the highway.
This work is part of the $17.7 million project to widen and improve two miles of Route 202 (DeKalb Pike) from Swedesford Road to Route 309, and to connect Route 202 (DeKalb Pike) with the new Route 202 Parkway, which also is under construction. Construction is scheduled to finish in May 2012.
For more information, please visit
PennDOT reminds motorists they can log on to or call 511 from any phone to check traffic conditions on major highways before heading out.
Friday, September 10, 2010
neighborhood news
Dear neighbors,
Hope you had a great summer...and now a smooth transition back to the routines of fall. I am passing on several recommendations for landscapers and contractors in the notes below. Thanks to those who took the time to write about them! There is also a note about a trainer interested in starting a workout the early morning! Check it out...
And lastly, our neighbor Eva O'Brien is holding another BIG garage sale this Saturday (tomorrow), Sept 11 from 8 to 12. She has lots of furniture items, holiday decor, and miscellaneous great stuff! Come by and find a treasure....(: Her address is 1424 Cambridge Dr.
From Rhona Fromm:
A friend of mine is a personal trainer and would like to offer small groups of women an early morning outdoor workout before the kids get off to school/before work (or after they get off if it works better). Please let me know if there's any interest. It's a boot camp type of workout. She's flexible on time...Could do 6:30 a.m. or 8 a.m. Probably would cost $15/participant. She's really good. If you're on Facebook, check her out at "Tailored Fitness by Carly".
From Mary Ellen Reilly:
Carol, I wanted to share two excellent vendor experiences that we have had recently. We redesigned our kitchen- gutted and started all over. If anyone would like to come by to see the new kitchen, they can call us at 215-699-6560. Also replaced the driveway – they can feel free to stroll by and take a look to 1608 Stonington Circle
- New driveway – work provided by DECA Construction Inc # is 276-421-3580 – quick, good prices, cleaned up well.
- Kitchen remodeled by Rich Romano Remodeling – 215-262-1845 – beautiful work, easy to work with, fair pricing, quick. neat
Testimonial: We have had quite a bit of landscaping done by Marty Levin and his aptly named company: "Passionate about Landscaping." Because of the satisfaction we have had with them, we feel that we should mention and recommend them to others. Marty Levin is friendly, enthusiastic and creative. He is easy to talk to, punctual and reliable. He has good landscaping ideas and is willing to work with his clients. He is a good judge of character and the crew and equipment he has assembled reflects his enthusiasm. The men always conduct themselves as gentlemen. They are polite and courteous, skillful and artistic. They seem interested in their jobs and can often be seen discussing what needs to be done.
We feel you will have the same reaction that we are having and will be more passionate about your landscaping too.
Robert and Maryann Hartzell
1656 Lindsay Drive
Carol's note: I also received a recommendation for this company from Fran Margolis.