I got lots of emails about my attachment not opening today. I'm not quite sure what happened but it looks like one of the emails went out with the wrong document anyway so here is Take #2! This is a Word document. I've attached the full copy of the flyer and also copied the text into the email below...just in case. Seems like it is getting harder and harder to send pictures or attachments in email these days...its a shame. Let me know if this doesn't work either...
Looking forward to hearing from you about the progressive dinner!
Thank you,
Carol Pfister
You are invited to share an evening of good food and company with your neighbors at the Annual Gwynedd Knoll Progressive Dinner. The theme this year is Presidential Elections. Think of favorite campaign slogans, past Presidents and candidates, all American food, and red, white and blue! Please set aside Saturday, March 1 starting at 6PM.
If you have not had the opportunity to attend in previous years, here is how it works: We meet at one home for appetizers, we then divide into groups of 8-12 for the dinner entrée in different neighborhood homes, after the entree we all come together again at one home for dessert. It is a tremendous way to chase away the winter doldrums, reconnect with neighbors, and meet those new to the neighborhood.
If you volunteer your home to host one of the gatherings, you don't have to supply food. Those not hosting will be asked to provide an appetizer, dessert, entrée, or side dish to be brought to one of the host homes the day of the dinner. Entrée and side dish recipes will be provided for the cooks. Everyone brings their own choice of drink.
Carol Pfister will be coordinating the Progressive Dinner. Please contact Carol at (215)-661-8775 or e-mail her at (gwyneddknoll@gmail.com) to reserve your spot for this wonderful evening no later than February 21. We especially need people to host the entrée part of the evening. You would be seating 8 to 10 people. We will also need an appetizer and dessert host –usually that is 40 to 50 people.