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Monday, December 8, 2008
neighborhood news 1
Saturday, November 15, 2008
neighborhood news 1
I have a couple of notes to pass on to you. The first one is a flyer attached that offers Photography services from a neighbor on Tanglewood. Call her to get some personalized holiday pictures!
Secondly, a neighbor is looking for a cleaning person. Can you please send suggestions to Barbara and copy me too? We are trying to get a directory of all these services going.
Thank you....and Happy Thanksgiving ahead of time!
Carol Pfister
Thursday, October 23, 2008
neighborhood news 1
Please find attached a flyer about an open house for Silpada jewelry being held by Kathi Mignone, a neighbor. Have a great weekend!
Carol Pfister
Monday, October 20, 2008
neighborhood news 1
Suddenly it is cold and the leaves are falling...I hate to see summer fade away! But the trees on our streets are beautiful colors, aren't they?
I have a couple of notes to share with you below. I also wanted to remind you of the Halloween parade coming up this Sunday, Oct 26 at 2 p.m. Meet the group at Stonington and Tanglewood to parade up the street. All are welcome! Many thanks to Trudy Gregson for organizing this event!
Carol Pfister
From neighbors on Stonington: We live at 1605 Stonington Circle and have a creek running through the property. Over the past few months, we've cleaned up many dog waste bags (silver-colored plastic bags) out of the creek. Evidently, a dog walker is scooping up the dog waste and dumping the bag in the gutter that leads directly into the creek. This is polluting our property and contaminating the creek.
Would you send this message to the Gwynedd Knoll distribution list and hope it reaches the appropriate party?
Thanks, Loren and Ted Kobus
(Carol's note: please watch for someone doing this and ask them to stop - could be someone who doesn't live here just walking through.)
Note from Rachel Rivest, a neighbor on Turnbury.
I just want to let everyone know that I have recently started a new gymnastics gym called:
We offer preschool classes, recreation classes for all ages, tumbling for cheer classes, birthday parties and Open Gym. We also have competitive girls and boys teams.
Our facility is bright, happy and inviting. We are thrilled that the families who have come have remarked about how great it is to find such a well run gym with really great coaches.
To find out more about our gym, you can check out our website at:
Or better yet, give me a call at 215-996-1015 or stop by to see our facility. We are located in Chalfont, near the intersection of Route 202 and Limekiln Pike, so we are pretty convenient.
So whether your kids have the Olympics bug or they have more energy than you can handle, we have something for every age and ability. Gymnastics is a natural part of children's play and a great foundation for any sport.
Thank you for this opportunity to share my excitement about my new business!
Rachel Rivest
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
neighborhood news 1
Can you believe we are into October already? I've put information below about our annual Halloween parade! It is always a fun event...please come and enjoy. Many thanks to Trudy Gregson for organizing it again!
I've also included some information from a neighbor who has a timeshare condo available for rent in....Hawaii! Please contact Wei directly if you are interested....it sounds lovely!
Lastly, if anyone is interested in garage sale, please let me know. A couple people would like to have one and larger number of homes attracts a bigger crowd.
Thank you and enjoy this beautiful fall weather!
Carol Pfister
It is a one bed room Deluxe Ocean View, which is actually a suite with one spacious sitting room and one bedroom facing directly to the ocean. The address is 104 Kaanapali Shores Place, Lahaina, Maui, Hawaii.
The following is the website link, at which you can see more detailed information including pictures and virtual tour of the location, the room view, and other services.
The normal hotel rate for this type of room is around $400/night, we ask for $2000 for 1 week.
I would very much appreciate it if you could send it around to other neighbors, and I'll be happy to answer questions if any family is interested.
Thank you so much!
Wei Zhao
1280 Turnbury Lane
815 302 7366 (cell)
267 613 8316 (home)
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
neighborhood news
Summer is over...the school buses are rolling through the 'hood again! I've been out of touch for the last few weeks - busy delivering boys to college and taking a little vacation time. Hope your summer was a good one! Please see the notes attached below - Julia is a mom in the neighborhood who has taken up the cause of Lyme disease information. Her family is the subject of the article attached.
Also, I have received requests for recommendations for driveway sealing and for a roofer and for an electrician. Please send the names and numbers you would recommend to me - I am working with a neighbor on putting a kind of directory of this info together - wouldn't that be great?
Carol Pfister
1417 Tanglewood Drive
North Wales, PA 19454
Host of Montgomery County (PA) Lyme Information and Support Group
c) 267-254-8605
Catalyst Consulting Services Company, Inc.
A Lominger International Associate (Korn-Ferry International wholly-owned subsidiary)
1417 Tanglewood Drive
North Wales, PA 19454
t) 215-699-6976
f) 215-699-6977
It's only a deal if it's where you want to go. Find your travel deal here.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
neighborhood news 1
Hope you are enjoying our cooler weather - and maybe a little vacation time in August! I have received 2 requests for recommendations...see below. Please respond directly to Mary Lou and Ilene.
Thank you!
Carol Pfister
Ilene Fridling
Thursday, July 31, 2008
neighborhood news
Can't believe tomorrow is August 1! The summer is flying by....I wanted to report that we had a GREAT time at our summer party last weekend. We had over 30 people come on Saturday night. It was a nice mix of ages and long time and new residents of the 'hood. Everyone seemed to enjoy the more casual format (just appetizers and dessert). Of course, much of the fun was due to the gracious hosting by Ashley and Collier Smyth - they made us very welcome and have the perfect summer party house and deck! Many thanks to them...
I have a request from a new neighbor on Tanglewood. She is looking for a dog groomer - I don't think we have had that request before! Please respond directly to Mary Lou at her email. (See below.) Welcome to the 'hood to Mary Lou and George!
Carol Pfister
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
neighborhood news
Here is a special note for you - click the link below to see an article describing 2 local boys who have a chance at an Olympic team! Turns out they live on Tanglewood right here in Gwynedd Knoll! We will have to cheer them on!
Click the following to access the sent link: | |||||||
If you have not yet responded - please feel free to do so up to the last minute - would love to have you all come!
Carol Pfister
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
neighborhood news
You might enjoy coming to our neighborhood park tonight - the Wissahickon Pops will be playing! This is the summer band program for the school district - many of our kids have or now participate. Come see your neighbors in the park! Starts at 7:00.
This is also a reminder about our summer party coming up soon. I need to hear from you if you are able to come...the info is copied below. Please try to join us!
Carol Pfister
YOU are invited to our first neighborhood summer party on Saturday, July 26 !
Place: Collier and Ashley Smyth's home on Rose Lane
Time: 7:00 pm until ?
Theme: Tropical nights....
What can you bring? Heavy appetizers or a dessert and your favorite beverage
(we will not be serving dinner entrees - it's good to eat lightly in the summer!)
Who can come? Any adults in the 'hood...we will plan a kid friendly party another time.
RSVP: Important: let Carol know if you can come and what you would like to bring!
Many thanks to Collier for volunteering their home - hope you all can come and enjoy some fun times with your neighbors. Many people have requested this at the progressive dinner party in February so let's give it a try this year!
Carol Pfister
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
neighborhood news-traffic
An informational meeting was held on June 23rd for our neighborhood and Gwynedd View/Rose Lane neighbors about the upcoming construction on Rt. 202. Penn Dot has active plans to build the 202 parkway from Welsh rd north and for major improvements to the 202/Welsh rd intersection. You can check the website called www.us202.com for lots of info about the parkway but it does not seem to include the section called 65N that was addressed at the meeting. We should all try to stay informed - the project is scheduled to begin in January! I have copied below a letter to the neighborhood from Gwen Douse, a neighbor on Claudia way. She addressed most of the issues from the meeting. I have inserted additions in blue to clarify what was said at the meeting. Hope you find this helpful.
Carol Pfister
July 3, 2008
Dear Neighbors,
Below is a list of concerns I sent to Kate Harper, followed by her response, regarding the PENNDOT meeting held on June 23rd with our neighborhood and Gwynedd View Road neighbors. Potentially, construction and the after-math could increase volume of traffic through Gwynedd Knoll. We have requested another meeting with PENNDOT in the fall and want our township and elected officials present as well. Construction is planned to begin next winter/spring. We need to unite and take immediate and appropriate steps now, so that the integrity of our neighborhood is preserved. Larry Comunale, township manager, and Kate Harper, state rep., have been involved with our situation. Questions, comments, and concerns can be addressed below, as well as to members of the Board of Supervisors, listed on Lower Gwynedd's web site:
Best wishes,
Gwen Douse
Larry Comunale lcomunale@lowergwynedd.org
Kate Harper Kharper@pahousegop.com
· First, Carol's summary of the plan: Gwynedd View and Swede Rd will be closed at the ends where they intersect with 202 by the WaWa. They will become a cul-de-sac. This whole project is called section 65N - includes 202 and the parkway and related roads.
The 202 parkway will be built from Welsh Rd to connect to 611. That will start from the current 202 just about where Swede Rd now cuts off to the right, just south of Bacco. It will be 4 lanes wide with a bike lane.
The intersection of 202 and Welsh Rd will be improved to 2 lanes in each direction from Stump Rd to the Assi shopping center (approx.) There will be an easy right turn from 202 north to Welsh Rd in the new configuration. The current 202 will be expanded to 4 lanes plus a turn lane from Hancock to past Welsh Rd.
Sound walls will be built on our side of 202, using the designs approved back several years ago.
202 south of Hancock down to Sumneytown will not be changed in this project.
They are still planning to straighten out Meetinghouse Rd and intersect with 202 but the light originally agreed upon is now not included since the numbers do not indicate a need.
Due to the anticipated traffic for our neighborhood of people trying to avoid the Welsh Rd intersection during construction, Penn dot is proposing to build the much debated "porkchop" at the Hancock Rd entrance. It will be a temporary structure of barrels. Emergency services have agreed to this idea. This means you can only turn north on 202 coming out of Hancock Rd. And you can only enter Hancock Rd coming north on 202. No one will be able to go straight through on Hancock from the Upper Gwynedd side either.
The construction time for the parkway and the 202 improvements is planned for 12 to 18 months, finishing in 2010.
PENNDOT is basing major decisions on 2001 data.(They admitted that the traffic number surveys used were taken in 2001.)
· The closure of Gwynedd View Road at 202 will add MORE traffic to our development (residents of Gwynedd View Road as well as cut-through drivers using that street to avoid the congested corridors)
· The fact that the 202 Parkway project (which I had read was developed by/pet project of Governor Rendell), is only partially being funded/thus only partially being constructed is ridiculous; our representatives MUST continue the fight for FULL funding due to the exploding population in this area!
· Since 65 N was the section that PENNDOT chose to build, that segment should be extended at least to Sumneytown Pike, not just South of Hancock-the entrance to Gwynedd Knoll!
· A major culprit contributing to the traffic problems in this area is the out-dated 63 corridor-PENNDOT has no major plans to improve it.
· During construction we were told that Hancock, will be a right turn in/right turn out on 202, which should help alleviate traffic since southbound traffic and Upper Gwynedd side of Hancock traffic will not be able to enter our neighborhood; for Gwynedd Knoll residents our right turns out will lead straight into the traffic back-ups created from construction, which is the price we will need to pay for our safety; however drivers heading north on 202, stuck in traffic, will easily be able to turn into our neighborhood, and this could be a considerable amount of traffic.
· We asked that a traffic light be installed immediately at 202 and Meetinghouse Road (something which we thought had already been promised) to help us and others at least be able to head north on 202; the township is willing to pay for it; Penn Dot says there are plans to straighten out Meetinghouse Road (which we have heard for many years!), so they won't be in that light; these plans are at least four years away!!! We need help now! (The blinking light solution is like putting a band-aid on cancer!)
· Ed Brandt had requested that Hancock on Upper Gwynedd's side be turned into three lanes to help alleviate traffic-right, center, left-PENNDOT said NO; his request would also help with the flow of traffic
· Underlying all these issues seems to be money; for the safety of our community we need action NOW for these corridor improvements in this area-what do we need to do to get action instead of hearing about plans that never seem to materialize-it is so frustrating!
Dear Gwen,
I spent most of the last two days in hearings on whether we should sell/lease the Turnpike to generate cash to do road improvement projects. Needless to say, one of the real issues here is money and the fact that the jump in petroleum prices has caused road construction costs to rise precipitously is not helping. However, the real issue is that the gas tax is not generating enough cash to fix our aging bridges and still do "improvement" projects. Needless to say, few legislators are anxious to increase gas taxes with gas prices topping $4 per gallon. We either find more money, or scale back projects, or slow them down. PENNDOT has chosen to slow them down and divert money to bridges to avoid having a bridge collapse and kill people.
Having said that, let me explain. Some parts of the route 202 project continue to move forward. Section 650, which we (LGT and I) years ago persuaded PENNDOT to consider part of the Route 202 By Pass/Parkway (section 700) is moving. Section 650 starts at Hancock and goes toward Welsh Road. Section 700 starts at Welsh Road with the new road.
As part of that project, Lower Gwynedd and I persuaded PENNDOT to consider the residents' idea of stopping through traffic from Hancock through your development to accommodate the construction and to give us a chance to see how it helps with the cut through problem. We were successful in that, but it took many meetings and discussions. Hopefully that will help. I know the Township also offered "traffic calming" but apparently your neighbors were not united in supporting that as a solution.
I recognize that your neighbors believe that meetinghouse Road should have a light now and I appreciate the Township's offer to help with the costs.
However, I think its important for us to continue to stress the need to realign Meetinghouse Road to accommodate the new post office and fire station. We had hoped PENNDOT would agree to split that section of roadway from the 600 section and add it to 650, but so far they have not done it. They are considering, however, moving forward on improvements to Evans and Welsh and Evans and Sumneytown which should help traffic move along those parallel routes and provide some much needed stormwater drainage as well.
As for being at the last meeting, I wanted to be there but was in Session in Hbg. I sent Kathy Rusch who called me with a full report. She attends the 202 meetings and is quite knowledgeable.
I can assure you that you have excellent advocates at the Township level and in me for your traffic concerns. Out of the 203 House members, I am sure Transportation Secretary Biehler recognizes a mere handful on sight and I am one of them -- because of my persistence on these issues. I appreciate that you are frustrated. We are as well, and are working hard every day to try to get the traffic moving and the projects up and running.
We welcome your support, we listen to your ideas, and absent the ability to be in two places at the same moment, or to wave a wand and make it happen, we are all doing everything we can do, and we will continue to do everything we can do. Thanks for letting me know how you feel about this -- and don't worry about 2001 data. If we wait to test the traffic again when the light is ready to be installed, I'll bet it fits the PENNDOT criteria and we can get that light.Kate Harper
Sunday, July 6, 2008
neighborhood news invitation
Hope you had a relaxing Fourth of July holiday! I have two reasons to write tonight - one, a friend of a neighbor is selling a very nice patio set that is described below and secondly,
YOU are invited to our first neighborhood summer party on Saturday, July 26 !
Place: Collier and Ashley Smyth's home on Rose Lane
Time: 7:00 pm until ?
Theme: Tropical nights....
What can you bring? Heavy appetizers or a dessert and your favorite beverage
(we will not be serving dinner entrees - it's good to eat lightly in the summer!)
Who can come? Any adults in the 'hood...we will plan a kid friendly party another time.
RSVP: Important: let me know if you can come and what you would like to bring!
Many thanks to Collier for volunteering their home - hope you all can come and enjoy some fun times with your neighbors. Many people have requested this at the progressive dinner party in February so let's give it a try this year!
Carol Pfister
p.s. I am attempting to write up a summary of the traffic meeting last week. Will get you an email asap. Several people have written to ask about the meeting.
Here is the info on the patio set - please contact Karen Freeman at the address listed or the person selling directly: the mkloft address. Thanks!
From: mkmloft@aol.com [mailto:mkmloft@aol.com]
> Sent: Thursday, June 26, 2008 11:02 AM
> To: karen@karenfreeman.com
> Subject: How's this
> Brown Jordan "Tamiami" patio/pool furniture -- we are selling two groupings
> that blend beautifully together but could be sold separately. Asking $1500
> for 19 pieces.
> Almond aluminum w/ brown strap: 5 lounge chairs which matching the 48"
> glasstop table w/umbrella hole. There are some paint scuffs, but integrity
> of the pieces is good and chair strapping is very strong.
> Almond aluminum w/dark green strap: 4 dining chairs matching 48" round
> glasstop table w/umbrella hole, 2 lounge chairs with 1 side table and 1
> ottoman, and 2 spring chairs. There is 1 additional spring chair with
> damage to the frame, still useful and strapping is fine, but free with the
> set.) Many pieces have some paint scuffs but integrity is good and chair
> strapping very strong.
> We used both brown and green strapped groupings together, no one noticed.
> Buyer of all pieces may take 2 additional Brown Jordan chaises which are
> functional but need paint/strap restoration.
Friday, June 20, 2008
neighborhood meeting reminder
Don't forget there is a meeting about our neighborhood roads this coming Monday, June 23rd. One session begins at 7 to discuss changes to Gwynedd View Dr and then another at 8 to discuss changes at Hancock Rd. The meeting will be at the Lower Gwynedd township building. Please mark your calendar and plan to attend so our voices can be heard!
Have a nice weekend!
Thank you,
Carol Pfister
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
neighborhood important meeting
I have two notes for you.
First, please read the attached letter regarding a very important meeting about our local roadways. Penn Dot has scheduled an information meeting on June 23rd for our neighborhood and Gwynedd View neighbors to hear about the planned reconstruction of Swedesford Rd. and Gwynedd View Dr. This letter indicates changes that could seriously affect the traffic on our streets. Please put the date on your calendar and plan to attend! Let's be pro-active in protecting our neighborhood.
Second, You are invited to stop by Karen Freeman's house where she will be hosting a Silpada jewelry party. Kathi Mignone, another neighbor, will be selling the jewelry. The party is Thursday night at 7:00 pm - open house style. Wine and snacks will be served. Come visit with your neighbors and enjoy shopping! 1322 Tanglewood - 215-699-8869
Thank you,
Carol Pfister
Monday, June 9, 2008
neighborhood news
I have received a couple of notes about big items for sale that might be perfect for you! Here they are...
Hi, I live on 1629 Claudia Way, and have heard by Sue Weber that you could send an e-mail to other residents of our development. I would like to sell my piano because I'm moving. It is a Steinway baby grand piano in walnut. We have been the original owners. The piano is from 1990 and is in perfect working condition.
I would like to know if any neighbors would be interested. My home phone number is 215 661-8862.
Thank you for your help
Debbie Scott (on Cambridge Dr.) had a successful estate sale a couple weekends ago but she has 2 big items left.
A King size carved 4 poster mahogany bed and a full size sofa with a wide plaid fabric covering.
She is ready to bargain so please call her at 267-664-0725 if you are at all interested!
Stay cool...
Carol Pfister
Thursday, May 29, 2008
neighborhood news
I've got several notes to pass on to you today. Enjoy!
1. We are looking for someone to watch our 2 big dogs when we go away for a weekend. Could you post a notice to the neighborhood group to see if anyone is interested or knows of anyone?
Ilene Fridling

2. Debbie Scott - long time neighbor at the corner of Tanglewood and Cambridge, is moving and having a HUGE estate sale at her house this weekend - Saturday and Sunday. Everything is the house is for sale - lots of furniture, kitchen items, knickknacks, decorative items, outdoor tools, etc. Please stop by and find a treasure and wish Deb well. Hours are 9 to 3, May 31 and June 1.
3. Attached is a flyer from Linda Callegari about an event at the Pennypacker Park where she works. It is a Civil War reenactment - I have been before and it is a wonderful, educational and fun event.
Subject: Civil War Weekend Event
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Fwd: neighborhood news
Summer is approaching and the kids will be out of school...you might want to check out the flyer attached regarding a Mother's helper in the 'hood.
Speaking of summer, we did have a meeting about the warm weather party. We have had an offer to host and will be choosing a date in July. We were going to try for a June date originally to catch everyone as school ended but time is going by too fast now! So stay tuned for a July date.
Thank you,
Carol Pfister
From: <espomo@aol.com>
Date: Thu, May 8, 2008 at 3:53 PM
Subject: Re: neighborhood news
To: gwyneddknoll@gmail.com
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
neighborhood news
Just a quick couple of notes this time...
My neighbor, Jen Sumner, found a set of keys in the street by our homes.They are for an Acura car and have a 76ers key chain. We were wondering if someone dropped them while walking. Please call Jen at 215-661-1220 if you own them!
Also, see the note copied below for Elizabeth, who needs a house cleaner.
Thanks for your help, as always!
Carol Pfister
Thursday, May 1, 2008
neighborhood news
Just a quick note this time - a neighbor has boxes to give away - if you are moving a college kid in or out , might come in handy! (:
Please send me a note and I will let Wei know.
Carol Pfister
Monday, April 21, 2008
neighborhood news 1
Attached are some pictures of a dog that needs a home - see the note from Rhona Fromm below. Please respond to her if you are interested.
Reminder: This Wednesday night, April 23 is our neighborhood meeting to plan our warm weather party and talk about our entryways. I would love to have lots of people attend - please come to my house at 1421 Cambridge Dr. (corner of Uxbridge and Cambridge) at 7:30 p.m. We may sit outside if the weather is warm enough...bring a sweater! (: Phone is 215-661-8775.
Don't forget to vote tomorrow in the primaries!
Carol Pfister
From: Rhona Fromm <rhonafromm@comcast.net>
Date: Thu, Apr 17, 2008 at 3:57 PM
Subject: Available Alaskan Husky- Wynstyn
To: gwyneddknoll@gmail.com
Monday, April 14, 2008
neighborhood news 1
Isn't the 'hood beautiful this time of year? All the flowering trees and daffodils and forsythia...ahhhh, spring. (:
The meeting for April 23 will happen this time - we need lots of input for this party and for other issues in the neighborhood so please consider coming. We will begin at 7:30 pm.We can meet at my house unless someone else wants to volunteer.
I have several things to share with you:
1. I did receive several responses to my question about lawn mowing costs. The prices ranged from $40 to $53 with an average of $45. Hope that helps you to bargain with your landscaper! The size of the yard obviously matters - some of our lots are a little larger than others, although we all have around an acre.
2. One new neighbor asked about mulch. How much do you use? I would guess 10 yards is fairly average. She suggested we might get a discount if several people went together. Anyone want to check into that?
3. Another neighbor wants recommendations for a landscaper for yard maintenance through the season. Please send names to me and I will forward them.
4. See note copied below for help needed for a neighbor - please respond directly to her.
Carol Pfister
Hi:We're looking for (i) someone to walk our dog, Shadow, a standard poodle around lunch time on Tues., Thurs. & Fridays starting as soon as possible and (ii) an afternoon sitter for our son (he's 12) starting mid-May or June through mid August on Tues., Thurs. & Fri. from 3-6 (needs a car).Let me know if you know of anyone.Thanks, Marilyn (215-699-4179)Email: tsolmack@verizon.net
Saturday, April 5, 2008
neighborhood meeting 1
I'm afraid I only received a handful of responses to the meeting suggested for next week so I am proposing another date to try again! We need several people to help us plan a warm weather party! How about April 23 in the evening? Please write and let me know that you are available to help...it will be nice to get together! Thank you to those who were going to come this week...
Since we are all getting into lawn mowing season very soon, how about letting me know the going price of your lawn service if you have a chance? A couple of neighbors are wondering what would be competitive to ask. I'll let you know the results if I get some responses.
See below for an announcement from Linda Callegari about some events at the park where she works. Looks like some interesting things to do at a beautiful time of year.
Thank you,
Carol Pfister
Rural Life at Pennypacker Mills
Historic Site Offers a Look at Life in 1900 with Antique Automobiles, Hands-on Activities, Gardening Speaker and More!
Life at Governor Samuel Pennypacker's farm was like most farms here in Montgomery County one-hundred years ago. Farm chores were on the increase as crops were seeded and cows needed milking, spring cleaning had commenced inside the mansion, and house guests arrived for a weekend at this Governor's country estate. On Saturday, April 19th, from 11 am to 4 pm Pennypacker Mills will offer a hands-on look at Rural Life in 1900! Admission and parking are FREE.
Step into the "modern age" of automobiles with a display of vintage Model A & T Fords! Over 25 historic cars are expected! Stop by and see a Model T chassis without it's body to see the inner workings of a running antique car.Car club owners will be on hand to explain the workings and restoration of these real transportation gems.
Gardening enthusiasts will want to hear Dr. Irwin Richman, Director of Research and Development for the Heirloom Seed Project at Landis Valley Museum (Lancaster Co.) present, "Growing Yesterday's Garden: Heirloom Seeds and Pennsylvania German Trandition," focusing on heirloom varieties of flowers and vegetables. Hear his speech at 1 pm in our Barn.
Laundry in 1900 meant rolling up your sleeves and using a washboard, chunk of soap, and a washbucket to get the job done. Kids and adults can try this chore for themselves using the washboard and early washing machines. Also, a 1929 Maytag washer will be demonstrated using a hit or miss engine with belt system. After seeing these early washers we all have nothing to complain about!
Kids and families can visit our General Store set up and purchase dry goods with wooden coin money, play a game of checkers, and check their mail. Bring those groceries back to our kitchen set up where household chores will be the order of the day: roll biscuits, use a sweeper to clean the rug, beat rugs, dry fruit, see how apple cider vinegar was made, and try old-time kitchen gadgets. Wood stove cooking will also be offered and kids may take a turn churning butter.
The Montgomery Bee Keeper's and Dairy Clubs will be on hand with a live hive of honey bees, goats and calves. Hear them talk about the effort needed to maintain a working farm, the care needed for these animals, and buy some local Montco honey to take home. Also, kids can milk our wooden cow to simulate what it was like to hand-milk a cow. After this, they'll never complain about taking out the trash!
The mansion will be open for tours. Decorated with furnishings that reflect the 1800-1900's, approximately 95% of what visitors see inside the home belonged to the family. A bedroom will be arranged as if preparing for spring cleaning. Tour guides will explain how spring cleaning was a huge effort that involved the lady of the house and her staff.
Our current exhibit, "Treasured Memories: Scrapbooks, Keepsakes, & Sourvenirs" will be available as part of the mansion tour.
The Museum Shop is open and carries books, period toys, home decor pieces, and Victorian cards. New this spring are cast iron farm animals, a cast iron piggy bank, and repro moveable coin banks.
Pennypacker Mills is the home of Pennsylvania's twenty-fifth Governor (1903-1907) Samuel W. Pennypacker. Set on 170 acres of beautiful farmland, this country gentleman's estate is open year-round for guided tours, changing exhibits, seasonal events and hiking. Adjacent to the Perkiomen Trail system, those walking, biking, and hiking can enjoy this historic site by exploring it's history and enjoying the many programs. FREE admission and parking.
Website: www.montcopa.org/historicsites
Telephone: 610-287-9349
Directions: Route 202 South, turn right onto Route 73 West (Skippack Pike) and continue through the Village of Skippack. Go through intersection at Route 113 and we are just four miles further. Turn right onto Haldeman Road and take an immediate left into the site entrance
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
neighborhood news attachment
Oops - looks like I forgot to put the attachment on your note last night.
Have a good day,
Carol Pfister
Monday, March 31, 2008
neighborhood news 1
I haven't written for some time - happy springtime to you! Attached is a newsletter from Charlie - a teenager in the 'hood who chairs a very active environmental club. Please read for some ideas for helping the environment that you can do.
I'm also writing to propose a meeting on Tuesday, April 8th to discuss a warm weather party and entryway projects and anything else going on the 'hood. Can you attend a meeting from 7:30 to 8:30 to help plan a party? Remember, we will only do this if enough interest and participation is shown for the planning meeting first! Good parties take some work to prepare. I will look forward to hearing from you!
Thank you,
Carol Pfister
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
neighborhood news
I just wanted to report that we had a delightful progressive dinner on the weekend! We had about 38 people come, including several new neighbors. As always, we all came away feeling like we live in a great place with the nicest people. (: We missed those of you who couldn't come - hopefully we can catch you next year.
There was a lot of talk about having a warm weather/ backyard party this year. I'm willing to start the organizing of one but I will need a committee to do most of the work. I have a son graduating from HS this year so my spring time will be extra busy! Please watch for a notice of a meeting in late March or April to plan this event. We have also had a suggestion of meeting with a speaker about gardening which we can talk about at that time too. You know, this group is called the GK garden club...we used to do some garden type events. I would love to get back to our "roots" again. (:
One other suggestion from the dinner was forming a book club! Please let me know if you would be interested in joining a group. Or if there are some clubs existing in the 'hood, let me know that too so we can help each other.
Thanks and enjoy our warm weather this week...spring is coming!
Carol Pfister
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
neighborhood news
Isn't the weather this week amazing? Such extremes...hope your basement isn't flooding today. Please see the note copied below from a neighbor who needs gutter repair - we all may after this storm! Please respond directly to him if you can help.
Don't forget that our progressive dinner is coming right up on March 1! I need to know soon if you are able to come - please drop me an email to let me know. If you are struggling to find a babysitter, please don't let that stop you - we can try to coordinate those needs. We have about 30 people coming so far...there is plenty of room for more. We always have such a good time meeting new friends and re-connecting with old ones. I especially need hosts for the evening but you can also come and just bring a food item. Talk to your friends and come join us!
Carol Pfister 215-661-8775
Can you check to see if anyone has used a Gutter & Downspout Repairman they were pleased with. Thanks!
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
neighborhood news - dinner
I got lots of emails about my attachment not opening today. I'm not quite sure what happened but it looks like one of the emails went out with the wrong document anyway so here is Take #2! This is a Word document. I've attached the full copy of the flyer and also copied the text into the email below...just in case. Seems like it is getting harder and harder to send pictures or attachments in email these days...its a shame. Let me know if this doesn't work either...
Looking forward to hearing from you about the progressive dinner!
Thank you,
Carol Pfister
You are invited to share an evening of good food and company with your neighbors at the Annual Gwynedd Knoll Progressive Dinner. The theme this year is Presidential Elections. Think of favorite campaign slogans, past Presidents and candidates, all American food, and red, white and blue! Please set aside Saturday, March 1 starting at 6PM.
If you have not had the opportunity to attend in previous years, here is how it works: We meet at one home for appetizers, we then divide into groups of 8-12 for the dinner entrée in different neighborhood homes, after the entree we all come together again at one home for dessert. It is a tremendous way to chase away the winter doldrums, reconnect with neighbors, and meet those new to the neighborhood.
If you volunteer your home to host one of the gatherings, you don't have to supply food. Those not hosting will be asked to provide an appetizer, dessert, entrée, or side dish to be brought to one of the host homes the day of the dinner. Entrée and side dish recipes will be provided for the cooks. Everyone brings their own choice of drink.
Carol Pfister will be coordinating the Progressive Dinner. Please contact Carol at (215)-661-8775 or e-mail her at (gwyneddknoll@gmail.com) to reserve your spot for this wonderful evening no later than February 21. We especially need people to host the entrée part of the evening. You would be seating 8 to 10 people. We will also need an appetizer and dessert host –usually that is 40 to 50 people.
Monday, January 28, 2008
neighborhood news - dinner
Attached is a flyer with the first plans for this year's Progressive dinner. Please read it over and let me know that you can come and what you like to bring or do. Since this is a presidential election year, we thought it would be fun to make that our theme. So be thinking red, white and blue. Maybe we can even dress up as our favorite candidate or past president!
I need a few helpers....first someone to make copies of the flyer, then walkers to distribute the paper flyers this week. I also need a few people to work on the food recipes. Looking forward to seeing you on March 1!
Carol Pfister
Sunday, January 27, 2008
neighborhood news 1
Carol Pfister
Hi Neighbors,
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
neighborhood news
Dear neighbors:
I have 3 items to let you know about - see below. One is a neighbor who needs a dog sitter, the second an announcement about a school district related event, and the third a note from a neighbor who has become a professional organizer.She wanted to let you know her new website and share a newsletter. If you would like to recieve the newsletter again, you will need to write to her directly.
Also, save the date of March 1 for another exciting progressive dinner! Details to follow shortly...
Carol Pfister
Do you happen to know anyone in the neighborhood who would feed and let out my dog once or twice a day for a week or so? (please respond to the gwynedd knoll address and I will forward.)
The Wissahickon Educational Opportunities Foundation (WEOF) is proud to host our annual fundraiser, "A Night in Napa" to be held in a new, spacious venue at Cedarbrook Country Club. In addition to a scrumptious menu, the talented WHS Jazz Band will be the featured entertainment. Mark your calendar for Sunday, March 2, 2008, from 5:00-7:00 pm. Tickets are $75.00 before February 1st and $80.00 thereafter, with a limited number of Platinum Tickets available for $110.00. Ticket information is available by visiting the WEOF website at www.weof.org and downloading the Night In Napa Ticket Order Form or by leaving a message at 215-619-8011. New this year: instead of mailing tickets, confirmations will be sent via e-mail delivery.
Last years' successful event was enjoyed by more than 250 supporters, raising over $15,000! "A Night in Napa" is sure to be bigger and better with numerous Live and Silent Auction items, Raffle items and as an added bonus, door prizes featuring certificates for local eateries will be given away. Attendees will have the opportunity to bid on the following Live Auction Items: An All Inclusive Chef's Table for 10 at Cedarbrook; a One Hour Reception at Whitpain Tavern; a One Hour Reception for 30 at Reeds Restaurant; and a WHS Spirit Basket loaded with a variety of Wissahickon Athletic Apparel and tickets plus tickets for the 2008 Spring musical, "Chess". Also featured, are a delightful variety of silent auction and raffle items to include a Basket of Cheer, Spa and Golf Outing Packages, Broadway Tickets, & Restaurant Certificates.
All monies raised will support WEOF's goals of promoting innovative, educational programs throughout the Wissahickon School District and unifying the community through lifelong learning. A Nature Trail Project, the Middle school TV Lab, a Literacy program, the annual District Art Show, Family Awareness Night, and the Robotics program are a few of the WEOF-sponsored works planned for this school year.
We hope you will join us for this enjoyable, causeworthy evening. For any questions regarding ticket orders, please email or call WEOF Board Member, Barb Fellin, at skifolk@aol.com or 215-283-0989.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Heather <foreverorganized@comcast.net >
Date: Jan 13, 2008 2:33 PM
Subject: Winter Newsletter
To: Gwynedd Knoll Neighborhood <gwyneddknoll@gmail.com>
Happy New Year to all and I hope everyone had a great Holiday with family and friends. Now that we are back into our normal routines, I wanted to take this opportunity to send you my new quarterly Newsletter.
This issue focuses on procrastination and provides some very useful tips on how to conquer this habit. We all procrastinate in some way. It is my hope this valuable information gives you the incentive to not put off until tomorrow what you can do today.
In addition to my Newsletter, please visit my website at http://www.beforeverorganized.com/. Through my website, you can purchase organizing products at the online store, "Organized A to Z."
Please save this link, http://www.organizedatoz.com/?Click=681, to your favorites.
Thank you to everyone who has supported me over the past few months in this very exciting business venture. I hope you enjoy the Newsletter.
Heather Piccone
Professional Residential Organizer
Forever Organized
Member of National Association of Professional Organizers
Member of NAPO-Greater Philadelphia Chapter
Member ofNorth Penn Chamber of Commerce
Thursday, January 10, 2008
neighborhood news - dinner
I made a mistake in the dates when I last wrote about options for a meeting about the progressive dinner. I meant to say Tuesday, Jan 15 as an option. But it turns out that Wednesday, Jan 16th is the best date so that's when the meeting will be. It will start at 7:30 p.m. Kathy Bastian has graciously offered to host so we will be at her house at 1264 Turnbury. Her phone is 215-699-5777 if you need to call. Email me with any questions.
We will discuss dates, themes, food, etc and any other neighborhood issues that are on your mind. Please come and join us...all are welcome!
Carol Pfister
Monday, January 7, 2008
neighborhood news - dinner
It's January (although it doesn't feel like it today!) so it's time to plan our annual progressive dinner! I'd like to hold a meeting to choose the date, theme, and food for the dinner. Please let me know if you can come to a meeting at 7:30 pm on either Tuesday, Jan 17, or Wednesday, Jan 16.
If you are not able to come to the meeting, please feel free to write to me with your ideas as to theme or other suggestions. I am going to propose March 1st as our date, with a second option of February 23. I have a busy February this year due to my son's auditions for music conservatories admissions. Let me know if that date works for you. We will take a consensus at the meeting.
Let me know if you would like to host this meeting - it doesn't have to be at my house. (:
Carol Pfister