Dear neighbors,
Attached is a letter from our school district assistant superintendent inviting you to take a tour of the district to see all the new technology in action! We have spent quite a lot of money buying new equipment and upgrading current classrooms and it is amazing to see what is transpiring in the classrooms! Come see where your tax dollars are going. (: Not to mention, there will be food provided!
I can personally recommend the tour – I’ve been working quite a bit in the technology department and find it exciting to see what has been implemented and what is planned for the future. I thought some of you might be interested to see what is happening – whether you have children in the schools or not. Please respond to Toni Reed , as referenced in the letter, if you are able to go.
Also, one other note about the schools: The district needs to complete a survey of all the families with school children enrolled called PIMS for the state. High school parents have already received a letter and other schools will receive them shortly. We are being requested to go to the district website at
and click on the “Student survey questionnaire, zoomerang” link. It only takes a couple of minutes to complete it for your children. If you are able to do this yourself, it will save the district time and money compiling the information later. Hope you don’t mind this reminder. (:
Thank you,
Carol Pfister